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Alcedo's Profile, Hialeah, FL

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Honorable Barbara Areces

Goodnight Honorable Barbara Areces

Mi name is Miguel Angel Alcedo am Argentino deported eight yeras i live in Miami and wanted to ask, i was arrested in 2008 to be more precise on 06-26-2008 and you wer my case, i�m looking for youbecause who better than a judge to tall me or indicate i can do, give some advice if you can.My case number was F08023200.I apologize for trying to comunicate with you but not to door my Mother could do let me know if i can apologize for what i did beg you please take a moment and see me.The reason is that i LOVE my son and terrifying was what did i want you to now that i am am not as aggresive man worried about my son becausethe mother was arrested the day 08-14-2010 was do not want my son to take.My son name is Julian Angel Alcedo Yancewicz, mother name is Laura Anne Yancewicz can see if google will see wy i am worried abaut my son.I ask a parent who committed a huge mistake and want to be with my son i beg youto take a moment to answer me, i can not return to Noth America all deppends the judge gives me permission to ask forgiveness for what i did.I appreciate with all my heart , if answer this is my mail from already thank you very much. 03-15-2013

by Alcedo in Hialeah, FL on March 14, 2013

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Goodnight Honorable Barbara Areces
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Mi name is Miguel Angel Alcedo am Argentino deported eight yeras i live in Miami and wanted to ask, i was arrested in 2008 to be more precise on 06-26-2008 and you wer my case, i�m looking for youbecause who better than a judge to tall me or indicate i can do, give some advice if you can.My case number was F08023200.I apologize for trying to comunicate with you but not to door my Mother could do let me know if i can apologize for what i did beg you please take a moment and see me.The reason is that i LOVE my son and terrifying was what did i want you to now that i am am not as aggresive man worried about my son becausethe mother was arrested the day 08-14-2010 was do not want my son to take.My son name is Julian Angel Alcedo Yancewicz, mother name is Laura Anne Yancewicz can see if google will see wy i am worried abaut my son.I ask a parent who committed a huge mistake and want to be with my son i beg youto take a moment to answer me, i can not return to Noth America all deppends the judge gives me permission to ask forgiveness for what i did.I appreciate with all my heart , if answer this is my mail from already thank you very much. 03-15-2013
for Honorable Barbara Areces in Miami, FL

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