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tracyemery's Profile, Dallas, GA

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Solar Deal Usa

Solar Deal USA LLC is a Scam!

After getting 10,000 down for a job with balance due at completion, as soon as our check cleared, he tried extorting more money, stating we either sign the loan document that says the job is completed so he will get paid in full Before he starts working, or pay him 10,000 more. We refused to do both, and he then refused to do the work or return the money. We then found out his LLC Does Not Exist, nor does he hold Any sort of contractor, electrical, plumber, HVAC, or any other license he claimed he had. He took the money knowing he wasn't licensed to do any of the work he contracted to do! He's a Thief!! Willie Akers, the one claiming to be the owner of the company, has since been arrested on felony charges for the 10,000 he stole, and is currently out on bond. Do not get taken by this con-artist!! You will end up dealing with threatening phone calls and will be at the police station, dealing with police, detectives and prosecutor's as I have.

by tracyemery in Gainesville, GA on February 17, 2013

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Solar Deal USA LLC is a Scam!
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After getting 10,000 down for a job with balance due at completion, as soon as our check cleared, he tried extorting more money, stating we either sign the loan document that says the job is completed so he will get paid in full Before he starts working, or pay him 10,000 more. We refused to do both, and he then refused to do the work or return the money. We then found out his LLC Does Not Exist, nor does he hold Any sort of contractor, electrical, plumber, HVAC, or any other license he claimed he had. He took the money knowing he wasn't licensed to do any of the work he contracted to do! He's a Thief!! Willie Akers, the one claiming to be the owner of the company, has since been arrested on felony charges for the 10,000 he stole, and is currently out on bond. Do not get taken by this con-artist!! You will end up dealing with threatening phone calls and will be at the police station, dealing with police, detectives and prosecutor's as I have.
for Solar Deal Usa in Gainesville, GA

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