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postitiveaffirmation's Profile, Indian River, MI

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Aspen Dental

Very Satisfied!

I went to Aspen Dental in Traverse City Michigan. The staff was wonderful. They treated me with upmost respect, and the doctor even called me personally to check up on me to see how I was doing, other dentists I have went to "NEVER" did that! Everyone there was friendly and made me feel like I have known them for years, took any fear one would have out of going to the dentist. I had the beginnings of Periodontal disease, which my old dentist told me not to worry about. They treated it, while not cheap it was very effective! Its nice not to have the bad breath associated with periodontal disease and food tastes so much better. I feel Great, and would reccomend anyone that has a hesitation, to look for the positve in reviews as well. Happy People do not complain and there are a lot of very happy people that have went to Aspen 'Dental in Traverse City Michigan. Contgratulations Dr. Julie Dugan, you and your staff have done a wonderful job and are an asset to Traverse City Michigan

by postitiveaffirmation in Indian River, MI on December 10, 2012

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Very Satisfied!
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I went to Aspen Dental in Traverse City Michigan. The staff was wonderful. They treated me with upmost respect, and the doctor even called me personally to check up on me to see how I was doing, other dentists I have went to "NEVER" did that! Everyone there was friendly and made me feel like I have known them for years, took any fear one would have out of going to the dentist. I had the beginnings of Periodontal disease, which my old dentist told me not to worry about. They treated it, while not cheap it was very effective! Its nice not to have the bad breath associated with periodontal disease and food tastes so much better. I feel Great, and would reccomend anyone that has a hesitation, to look for the positve in reviews as well. Happy People do not complain and there are a lot of very happy people that have went to Aspen 'Dental in Traverse City Michigan. Contgratulations Dr. Julie Dugan, you and your staff have done a wonderful job and are an asset to Traverse City Michigan
for Aspen Dental in Traverse City, MI

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