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ntruehart's Profile, Philadelphia, PA

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Q&A Newbie (0 pts.)


Drad Computers

Unprofessional borderline Con Artist

I stopped in on a saturday with a injured laptop. They looked at it, said they could fix it but needed to order a part and it would be here by Tuesday . I gave $50 for the part, Tuesday arrived and they stated the part isn't here and could be delayed. Wednesday arrived and they left me a message saying they are canceling the order for the part and I could order it on my own faster. I called back asking them to credit my card back and they refused stating "they don't work for free" and " they spent time ordering the part". A reputable company would be apologizing to me, instead this mom and pop operation has decided to fraudulently keep my $50. They've never had possession of my system, I was in the store for 15 minutes. I like to patronize small businesses, I had actually planned to buy 2 of their used computers as Xmas gifts. I disputed the charge with my bank and was refunded the money but just the idea that they would try to scam me out of $50 is disgraceful.

by ntruehart in Philadelphia, PA on December 06, 2012

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Unprofessional borderline Con Artist
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I stopped in on a saturday with a injured laptop. They looked at it, said they could fix it but needed to order a part and it would be here by Tuesday . I gave $50 for the part, Tuesday arrived and they stated the part isn't here and could be delayed. Wednesday arrived and they left me a message saying they are canceling the order for the part and I could order it on my own faster. I called back asking them to credit my card back and they refused stating "they don't work for free" and " they spent time ordering the part". A reputable company would be apologizing to me, instead this mom and pop operation has decided to fraudulently keep my $50. They've never had possession of my system, I was in the store for 15 minutes. I like to patronize small businesses, I had actually planned to buy 2 of their used computers as Xmas gifts. I disputed the charge with my bank and was refunded the money but just the idea that they would try to scam me out of $50 is disgraceful.
for Drad Computers in Philadelphia, PA

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