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Aggs's Profile, Albuquerque, NM

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505 Star Limo LLC


We used Star Limo for our wedding transportation and the driver was on time and professional. When we stopped for photos, he accidently hit our photographers car and took time out of our block to deal with insurance info. This was not a big deal but then he took us back to the reception about 45 minutes early, we let him know so he drove around the area a little more. The real problem happened a week later when I got a charge for 107.00. I called and spoke with christian who provided the WORST customer service experience I have encountered. They said someone vomitted on the bus, this was NOT the case. I was the last one off, in my wedding dress, I would have noticed. Since we had read the reviews of them doing this kind of thine, my husband had the driver check the bus before we parted to ensure that it was clean to their standards so we would NOT get charged. He said people leave it way worse and that was the end of it. When i asked for some kind of proof, they laughed and said we were lucky we werent charged more since the contract states I can be charged up to 250.00. They were so unprofessional, I am disgusted at their behavior and reaction to my concerns as a business. I am shocked they are still in business. This was nothing but a blame game and they were unwilling to assist in anyway, this company has not understanding of the concept with the putting their customer first.

by Aggs in Albuquerque, NM on July 13, 2012

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We used Star Limo for our wedding transportation and the driver was on time and professional. When we stopped for photos, he accidently hit our photographers car and took time out of our block to deal with insurance info. This was not a big deal but then he took us back to the reception about 45 minutes early, we let him know so he drove around the area a little more. The real problem happened a week later when I got a charge for 107.00. I called and spoke with christian who provided the WORST customer service experience I have encountered. They said someone vomitted on the bus, this was NOT the case. I was the last one off, in my wedding dress, I would have noticed. Since we had read the reviews of them doing this kind of thine, my husband had the driver check the bus before we parted to ensure that it was clean to their standards so we would NOT get charged. He said people leave it way worse and that was the end of it. When i asked for some kind of proof, they laughed and said we were lucky we werent charged more since the contract states I can be charged up to 250.00. They were so unprofessional, I am disgusted at their behavior and reaction to my concerns as a business. I am shocked they are still in business. This was nothing but a blame game and they were unwilling to assist in anyway, this company has not understanding of the concept with the putting their customer first.
for 505 Star Limo LLC in Albuquerque, NM

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