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Worst Place Ever
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I cant express with words what I had experiance with staff . Lets start off by saying the receptionist is lucky to even have a job with her snotty rudeness . She had the worst attitude and personality was somewhat educationa level of a high school student . She treated me like some kind of criminal uninsured . The staff I have no idea if they felt too comfortable because I was hispanic , but they had a student do the x-ray and dropping the equipment on the ground multiple times and laughing as if it was an amusement park . If you are reading this please RUN someplace else , they are a lot of amazing dentist facility , clean , and with motivational staff . The building there looks like a janitor area and staff is so unprofessional , but I am guessing they are paying them a low income to work there so it must sute the facility . Good Riddings I will not ever return and make my dental experiance as miserable as they made it to be . The receptionist was rude from the day one , I cal
for David K. Knowlton in Salt Lake City, UT

Worst Place Ever !!!!!!
Merchant Ratings

I cant express with words what I had experiance with staff . Lets start off by saying the receptionist is lucky to even have a job with her snotty rudeness . As If I was there for some sort of prison obligation . The staff I have no idea if they felt too comfortable because I was hispanic , but they had a student do the x-ray and dropping the equipment on the ground multiple times and laughing as if it was an amusement park . If you are reading this please RUN someplace else , they are a lot of amazing dentist facility , clean , and with motivational staff . The building there looks like a janitor area and staff is so unprofessional , but I am guessing they are paying them a low income to work there so it must sute the facility . Good Riddings I will not ever return and make my dental experiance as miserable as they made it to be . The receptionist was rude from the day one , I called to set an appt and lied to me that my insurance will cover the x-ray 100% when I was not even d
for David K. Knowlton in Salt Lake City, UT

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