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almoorelfd's Profile, Ellenton, FL

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Q&A Novice (2 pts.)


Alan Moore


Wont you please take a minute and update my file. The information you are displaying about me as well as my business is incorrect. I am sure consumers would appreciate timely, accurate information about services they are looking for and relying on Merchants Circle for accurate up to date information. My Name is Alan Moore, Licensed Funeral Director. My Address is 1222 36th Avenue East, Ellenton, Florida 34222. I am a professional licensed with the State of Florida as a Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer providing kind, caring and dignified Direct Cremations for $635.00 and Direct Burials for $995.00 including casket. Wont you please take a moment and look at my website and you will notice my correct phone number, address, fax number, as well as a toll free number for for information and pricing. Thank you for your time and willingness to help the consumer with your wonderful service.

by alan moore in Ellenton, FL on August 15, 2011

Alan Moore

Incorrect information by merchant circle

Please be advised that the address and telephone number is incorrect and has been for over 5 years. The correct address is 1222 36th Avenue East, Ellenton, Florida 34222, the correct Name of the business is Alan Moore, Licensed Funeral Director, The Correct Telephone Number is 941-722-3201, fax number is 888-696-5682, toll free number is 877-865-3203 and website is, my personal email is Wont you please take a moment to update the information and provide consumers with a real opportunity to save money. We have been funeral directors here in Florida since 1948 and offer Direct Cremation for $635.00 and Direct Burials including casket for $995.00. In these rough economic times I think this would be a welcome relief to any family and Merchant Circle would be providing a wonderful service to consumers if you simply have the right information so consumers can take advantage of our services we offer at affordable prices.

by Alan Moore in Ellenton, FL on August 15, 2011

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Wont you please take a minute and update my file. The information you are displaying about me as well as my business is incorrect. I am sure consumers would appreciate timely, accurate information about services they are looking for and relying on Merchants Circle for accurate up to date information. My Name is Alan Moore, Licensed Funeral Director. My Address is 1222 36th Avenue East, Ellenton, Florida 34222. I am a professional licensed with the State of Florida as a Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer providing kind, caring and dignified Direct Cremations for $635.00 and Direct Burials for $995.00 including casket. Wont you please take a moment and look at my website and you will notice my correct phone number, address, fax number, as well as a toll free number for for information and pricing. Thank you for your time and willingness to help the consumer with your wonderful service.
for Alan Moore in Bradenton, FL

Incorrect information by merchant circle
Merchant Ratings

Please be advised that the address and telephone number is incorrect and has been for over 5 years. The correct address is 1222 36th Avenue East, Ellenton, Florida 34222, the correct Name of the business is Alan Moore, Licensed Funeral Director, The Correct Telephone Number is 941-722-3201, fax number is 888-696-5682, toll free number is 877-865-3203 and website is, my personal email is Wont you please take a moment to update the information and provide consumers with a real opportunity to save money. We have been funeral directors here in Florida since 1948 and offer Direct Cremation for $635.00 and Direct Burials including casket for $995.00. In these rough economic times I think this would be a welcome relief to any family and Merchant Circle would be providing a wonderful service to consumers if you simply have the right information so consumers can take advantage of our services we offer at affordable prices.
for Alan Moore in Bradenton, FL

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how do you get information on someone buried in march of 1986

"Contact the office of vital records in the county of death. You can purchase a copy of the death certificate without cause of death from the State of Florida Office of Vital Records. The local office will give you the details."

Who is in charge of the Westview Cemetery and how do you get information about the rules of the cemetery?

"I am not familiar with the westview cemetery. Can you provide an address for that location and I can research it for you."

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