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Dr. Bizness WGIV Radio Charlotte NC Fraud

Dr. Bizness Charlotte NC WGIV Radio Host Scams Business Owners Dr. Bizness BD Ripoff Report/ Dr. Bizness BD/ Profit and Growth Unlimited Scam 2015/ Dr. Bizness Radio Charlotte NC/ Dr. Bizness BD Ernest Smith/ Dr, Bizness Charlotte NC Radio Host Scam/ WGIV Radio Station Scam Alert/ NC Consumer News Scam Watch  Dr. Bizness and WGIV Radio have been brought to the attention of North Carolina Consumer News by concerned small business owners in the Charlotte, NC area who want to expose the deceptive and unethical business practices of Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio, for deceiving local Charlotte, NC business owners and job seekers with their deceptive programs that they advertise on their websites and Internet radio ads, which has no doubt left some small business owners in the Charlotte, NC frustrated and disenfranchised by the unethical business practices of Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio. Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio are not even registered with the Better Business Bureau in Charlotte, NC and they still have an outstanding Better Business Bureau complaint that they have yet to respond that was filed 6/16/2014. Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio claim to reach a worldwide listening audience of over 40 million through his websites in his Linked In profile, (,, but we have been informed by complaining business owners, that in reality this is very deceptive and very boastful speaking, when his online radio station probably has less than a 1,000 actual listeners at best on any given day, which is closer to WGIV’s actual listenership, so what Dr. Bizness is doing is taking the statistics from the worldwide web Internet audience as a whole to lure unsuspecting business owners and job hunters that believe a 60 year old washed up Charlotte, NC radio station really has over 40 million listeners as an Internet only radio station, which is only on the Internet. We would like to know how Dr. Bizness feels that over 40 million people are listening to WGIV when they don’t even have a consistent music format, and unless you’re Howard Stern, Tom Joyner, or Rush Limbaugh, nobody is really listening to you on Talk Radio, but just incase you doubt our word, here is a link to the Top 25 Radio Hosts for 2015 (click link: Do you see Dr. Bizness or WGIV radio in these rankings??? No you don’t, and we didn’t either, so you may want to contact Dr. Bizness on Linked In ( to ask him to provide proof of his 40 million Internet listeners. Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio seem to be using a lot of inflated advertising that does not hold air to recruit hardworking unsuspecting Charlotte small business owners and people that are desperately seeking employment for his bartering contract program and deceptive $5,000 monthly salary No Experience Job Ad. Now lets do the math, if Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio have 40 million listeners, why is it that Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio only have 48 followers on Google Plus see link below: ( We at North Carolina Consumer News feel that Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio are using very deceptive and fraudulent advertising and we have been asked by some concerned Charlotte, NC Business owners to issue a scam alert to bring Dr. Bizness and the unethical business practices of WGIV radio to the attention of North Carolina business owners and people worldwide that may have been deceived by the advertising of WGIV radio and Dr. Bizness. Here is the actual online complaint below from a person that wants to warn future investors of the deceptive business practices of Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio. Profit and Growth Unlimited WGIV, Dr. Bizness, Ernest Smith WGIV Internet Radio Scam Alert!!! Charlotte North Carolina Are you giving or considering giving Ernest Smith AKA Dr. Bizness, BD money for internet radio? If so, you better ask yourself why? Profit and Growth Unlimited has no affiliation with any of the established broadcasting networks they claim, such as "ABC." They aren't even recognized by the Better Business Bureau. Sometimes they claim to have 2.4 million listeners, sometimes they claim to have 40 million listeners. This is a farce! As you can see, even the Face book page barely has 100 likes, and the "tune in radio app" had 70 "followers" (people who have tuned in on at least one occasion) last time I checked. Did you think WGIV was affiliated with 103.3 FM? Another lie. Why they haven't sued him yet is beyond me. Before you give these people your hard earned money, look at the facts. If you are offered a job with the monthly earning potential $5,000 (commission only, collected by you, based on your ability to scam small businesses and individuals) you will also be required to pay hundreds of dollars out of pocket to Mr. Smith for every month that you are working with them, (even though you will most likely make nothing). If you are solicited to advertise with these people, whether you give them cash, or up to $2,500 in products and services (bartering) don't buy into the lies, or you will lose. Spread the word, and squash this scam. Please click on links below to read more Dr. Bizness-WGIV radio scam reports. WGIV Radio Scam Report Link:, Dr. Bizness Scam Report Link:, Dr. Bizness Scam Report Link: DR. Bizness Google Plus followers 48 and 1781 views Click Link Below: WGIV Radio Better Business Bureau Complaint link: If you feel that you have been deceived by Dr. Bizness or WGIV radio and you want to file a formal complaint with the North Carolina Attorney General, please click on the link below to file a formal complaint against Dr. Bizness and/ or WGIV radio. NC Attorney General Web Site: This seems like another sad case in which a so-called minister aka Dr. Bizness is deceiving hardworking people to fill his pockets, is Dr. Bizness really a man of God??? We at North Carolina Consumer News ask that you re-post this article and share it with friends, family, and your social network community to expose Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio. more

By North Carolina Consumer News September 23, 2015

totalcare maids facing criminal copyright violation charges

  Kendra Melton, Owner of TotalCare Maids, Is a former employee of QualiCare Maids and QualiCare Maids still has a valid signed non-compete form from Kendra Melton, Owner of TotalCare Maids.   TotalCare Maids is in violation of QualiCare Maids trade secrets  such as advertising our cleaning methods and our use of eco-friendly products, TotalCare Maids is also in violation of the QualiCare Maids Motto “The Total Cleaning Program” and TotalCare Maids has even taken the liberty of advertising on the same websites that QualiCare maids uses and also TotalCare Maids is using the same company name spelling technique of QualiCare Maids which is also a violation of the QualiCare Maids intellectual property rights.   TotalCare Maids is offering the same exact services that Kendra Melton was given privileged information in how to perform these services when she was an employee of QualiCare Maids, she is even violation the QualiCare Maids advertising policy by using similar wording that She knows QualiCare Maids uses in their advertisements for gift cards and other services, which is also a QualiCare Maids intellectual property violation. has also removed the TotalCare Maids ads for copyright violation and banned TotalCare Maids from advertising on their site.   TotalCare Maids website was removed from Wix on 9/11/2014 for the same violation and Kendra Melton rebuilt a website again on   This is the new website address that TotalCare Maids rebuilt on website was removed 9/23/2015 for the same copyright infringement violation by and TotalCare Maids is now advertising on Locanto and one of the ads that violate the QualiCare Maids intellectual copyright property is ad:Ad ID: 359511457     ____________________________________________________________________________________ All of totalcare maids advertisements, websites, blogs, and social media sites that violate the QualiCare Maids copyright are now being shut down for criminal copyright infringement, if you are the owner or an employee of totalcare maids please contact your local F.B.I. Office for more information.   Federal criminal charges are pending against TotalCare Maids and Kendra Denise Melton Owner, see federal law violations below:     Criminal Copyright Infringement:Copyright infringement is a felony punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment and a $250,000 fine under 17 U.S.C. § 506(a) and 18 U.S.C. § 2319 where a defendant willfullyreproducesordistributesat least ten copies of one or more copyrighted works with a total retail value of more than $2,500 within a 180-day period. The maximum penalty rises to five years’ imprisonment if the defendant also acted “for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain.” Misdemeanor copyright infringement occurs where the value exceeds $1,000 or where the defendant willfully violated any of the exclusive rights “for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain.”     Pre-Release Criminal Copyright Infringement:Pre-release piracy,i.e., willful infringement “by the distribution of a work being prepared for commercial distribution, by making it available on a computer network accessible to members of the public, if such person knew or should have known that the work was intended for commercial distribution,” is a felony punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment and a $250,000 fine under 17 U.S.C. § 506(a)(1)(C) and 18 U.S.C. § 2319(d). The maximum penalty rises to five years’ imprisonment if the defendant also acted “for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain.”     Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”).The FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division includes an Intellectual Property Rights Unit (“IPR Unit”) that oversees its national intellectual property program, which includes dedicated FBI Special Agents who are responsible for the investigation and prosecution of intellectual property crime. The FBI’s IPR Unit is headquartered at the IPR Center and the FBI Special Agents dedicated to investigating IP crime are located in field offices throughout the country. The IPR Unit and agents work closely with all FBI field offices to combat IP crime. The FBI’s IPR Unit encourages victims to report intellectual property crimes through the IPR Center or to any of the FBI’s 56 field offices.   qInternet Crime Complaint Center (“IC3”).IC3 is a partnership between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center, and the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance. IC3 receives, develops, and refers criminal complaints involving a range of cyber crimes including intellectual property crime occurring more

By North Carolina Consumer News September 23, 2015

Ripping Runways Modeling Magazine Debut 9/11/2012

Ripping Runways Modeling Magazine is designed for aspiring female models and the magazine is all about female aspiring models that are looking for national exposure, enjoy the spotlight and media attention, and want to show the world why they should be recognized as an aspiring model with a dream to be successful in the fashion and beauty industry.   All interested beautiful aspiring swimsuit and lingerie models ages 18-35 are asked to visit our modeling website to fill out an audition form at: more

By North Carolina Consumer News August 20, 2012

TR Lawing Realty-Unethical Real Estate Practices Exposed

TR Lawing Realty In Charlotte, NC faces ongoing consumer complaints, distrust, and serious consumer concerns over their negative business practices, afterthe Commission suspended the broker's licenses of Thomas R. Lawing, Sr., and Thomas R. Lawing, Jr. and the corporate real estate broker's license of T.R. Lawing, Inc. for two years.   TR Lawing is a large real estate property management firm that has garnished one the worse Property management reputations in Charlotte, NC.   TR Lawing Realty is well known for its misleading and unethical real estate business practices, that now has both homeowner clients and home renters speaking out publicly against TR Lawing.   We have performed extensive research into the illegal and unethical business practices of TR Lawing and this is what we have found on this deceptive real estate firm.   The Commission found that TR Lawing Realty had placed certain tenant security deposits and rents into interest bearing accounts and investments without written authority, and that TR Lawing Realty had paid from client funds and expenses associated with the management of certain properties, when the funds on deposit for those properties were insufficient to cover such expenses.   Here's what one homeowner had to say about using the services of TR Lawing Realty, "I thought by using a large, reputable company I would be in good hands in getting myproperty managed/rented/maintained. Bad assumption. I'm in the process of trying to terminate our management agreement. 2 1/2 weeks into this and there's still no sign in the yard and no maintenance has been done to the house. The manager assigned to me takes at least 2 days to return an email and then still does not address my questions."   The complaints against TR Lawing Realty are voiced by angry renters and homeowners that had their trust betrayed by TR Lawing Realty, and this company still continues its unethical real estate practices as if they are unconcerned and unmoved by the many negative consumer complaints that have been made against them, so the NC Consumer News agency is verbally and literally issuing a consumer warning against doing any business with TR Lawing until they clean up their poorly rated business practices, this is reflected so clearly by angry consumers at:   Here is what another past customer of TR Lawing Realty had to say about the unfair business Practices of this deceptive company, "I am having the worse experience with TR Lawing. I am renting a home from them and can never get anyone on the phone. They have misapplied payments to my account twice in the last 8 months. They are quick to send a late notice but slow to fix the error. I am currently trying to break my lease due to poor customer service and have sent all the necessary paper work and monies to try and re-rent my home. They cashed my check but never advertised the home! If I ever get out of this I never rent from them again. Please beware!!"   TR Lawing has not learned anything about reforming their company image, even after their real estate brokers license was suspended for 2 years, and the many recent complaints from trusting homeowners and renters, that serve as a valid verbal warning, beware of doing any business with TR Lawing Realty, unless you have a lot of patience to pursue TR Lawing Realty in a court of law.     .For further updates on companies with negative business practices, or to file a consumer complaint against, or report a scam please visit our web site at:   ©2010 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News. more

By North Carolina Consumer News June 10, 2010

Read The Latest Newsletter from North Carolina Consumer News

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from North Carolina Consumer News. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By North Carolina Consumer News November 28, 2009

Jani-King Cleaning Franchise Owners Sue Jani-King For Slave Wages

Jani King Considered Worse Franchise To Invest In By Previous Investors   Jani-King makes some amazing promises to prospective franchise buyers, but as many Jani-King Franchise buyers are now finding out the hard way, "all that glitters is not gold."   Jani-King has made major profits in the janitorial industry, by deceiving hard working people, that are looking to invest in a franchise opportunity, or business opportunity that offers them a good return on their investment, and as a result of Jani-King's deceptive and unethical business practices, both present and past Jani-King franchise owners are now making their complaints publicly known, after many past and present Jani-King franchise owners feel that they were deceived by the many false promises of high returns, made to them by Jani-king representatives.   Jani-King is gaining a national reputation for becoming the new slavery franchise, thattakes 20% of each franchise owner's profit up front before the franchise owner get a penny, and to make matters worse, the franchise owner has to worry about labor cost, taxes, payroll preparation, cleaning product costs,  and equipment cost.   Jani King franchise owners claim that Jani King will never tell them what their net income is going to be.  If these claims are true of Jani-King, then Jani-King has become another corporate franchise that is not much better that Pre Paid Legal and its deceptive business practices, that yielded a federal investigation, class action lawsuits, and a decline in its once trusted reputation.   Jani-King now faceslawsuits filed recently in Pennsylvania, Minnesota and California against Jani-King, contending that Jani-King misrepresented their offerings, because they do not have sufficient customers to guarantee each franchisee the amount of monthly cleaning business they purchase. Instead, the lawsuits allege, they breach their contracts by underbidding the amount of time and staffing required for each job, refusing to allow franchisees to inspect cleaning jobs or bid sheets before accepting or rejecting a job, offering geographically inconvenient jobs and unjustly taking jobs from one franchisee to re-sell them to others.   Jani-King has now been put on the North Carolina Consumer News alert watch for its deceptive business practices, and NC Consumer News will be following complaints and lawsuits being filed against Jani-King very closely.   To read detailed legal complaints against Jani-King, follow the web site links below:   For further updates on companies with negative business practices, or to file a consumer complaint against, or report a scam please visit our web site at:   ©2009 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News and shall not be reproduced or reprinted without owners permission more

By North Carolina Consumer News November 27, 2009

Craiglist Home Contractors In NC Scamming Homeowners

Craiglist Contractors In NC Continue To Scam Trusting Homeowners And Business Owners   "Craiglist Commercial And Residential Contractors Lack Credibility, Insurance, Bonding, and Business License."   Craiglist has become the premiere web site for scams, prostitution, and illegal commercial and residential service contractors that are being sued nationwide for their deceptive business practices.   A large majority of the commercial and residential service contractors on Craiglist range from carpet cleaners to maid cleaning services, operating underground on the Craiglist, and the majority of home contractors that we contacted by phone from the Craiglist admitted that they did not have either a business license, liability insurance, or bonding, and some admitted that they even offered substantial discounts to unsuspecting homeowners that were willing to use their services.   There are now thousands of complaints and lawsuits being filed nationwide by angry consumers against Craiglist contractors, for either sub-standard work that the contractor was not qualified to do professionally, or a consumer being scammed out of money by a Craiglist contractor for work that was promised, but never done.   North Carolina Consumer News has issued a statewide consumers alert to all North Carolina citizens that plan to do business on the Craiglist with any contractor listed on the Craiglist, be it a home cleaning or a carpet cleaning, it is always wise to request that any contractor you are considering hiring to do work, furnish you a copy of their business license, 3-5 job references, and a phone number that you can contact their insurance company to check the status of their liability insurance and bonding, never trust a contractor if you can not contact their insurance company to get a copy of their business insurance policy emailed or faxed to you, because many illegal contractors carry a copy of an insurance policy that could possibly have been dropped by the insurance company for non-payment, or other valid reasons.   Homeowners fail to realize that if they use an unlicensed or uninsured service contractor, that they could be held liable if someone gets injured or killed on the job and the contractor doesn't have insurance, because poorly done electrical work or a badly repaired roof can pose life-threatening hazards.   Think about it, as a homeowner or business owner, do you really want to be held liable for damages that could be caused by an unlicensed or uninsured contractor, is the risk really worth saving a few dollars now, that could cost you a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars later if an accident occurs, or there are major damages caused by a contractor that is not professionally trained to do the work that you hired them for?   There are numerous new companies popping up on Craiglist daily, due to the recession and massive job losses that America has experienced in the past two years, but this is still not a good reason for any contractor to selfishly prey on unsuspecting consumers that are in need of a service.   Illegal contractors such as maid cleaning services, pressure washers, painters, plumbers, and electricians seem to be the main majority of unlicensed and uninsured services being offered on Craiglist, so consumers must take extra precautions when dealing with contractors that offer these services on Craiglist, because a homeowner or business owner could be inviting more danger that cost in savings, when using an uninsured or unlicensed contractor from Craiglist.     ©2009 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News and shall not be reproduced or reprinted without owner's permission. more

By North Carolina Consumer News November 27, 2009

QualiCare Maids Helping Homeless For Christmas

QualiCare Maids Is Donating 10% Of All Christmas Maid Service Gift Certificates That Are Sold Between Thanksgiving And Christmas 2009, To Help Needy Single Mothers And Their Children At Charlotte Emergency Housing In Charlotte, NC   QualiCare Maids is the most popular and most widely used independently owned maid cleaning service in North Carolina, that boast higher ratings and consumer reviews than many franchise cleaning services because of their affordable Total Cleaning Program, attention to detail, friendly well trained staff, professional quality work, and their commitment to serving customers with nothing less than excellence.   This holiday season, QualiCare Maids will continue its noble efforts to gather donations of toys, clothing, food, money, and volunteers, to help homeless single mothers and their children at the Charlotte Emergency Housing Complex, located at 2410 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC  28205.   QualiCare will also donate 10% of all profits that come from customers buying maid service gift certificates from Thanksgiving to Christmas, in addition to requesting that citizens and business owners join this worthy cause to help the needy this holiday season.   Mr. Nixon, General Manager of QualiCare, said" I have family members and employees that will be foregoing receiving any Christmas gifts from friends and family, and have asked that friends and family donate to help the homeless women and children, instead of giving them a gift this year," and my company is asking all citizens and business owners in Mecklenburg County to have a heart this year and make a needy family happy, you would not believe how a small toy, a good meal, and a piece of new clothing can really bring a smile to a child's face, that may otherwise have to go without a gift of love this holiday season, while so many Other people celebrate and share gifts with their friends and family."   QualiCare has been an advocate for the homeless citizens of North Carolina for four years, and have helped homeless citizens in both Fayetteville and Charlotte receive gifts of food, money, clothing, and toys, through soliciting donations from business owners and families in these two cities, and as a result, QualiCare has been blessed with a profitable company that continues to grow in both popularity and new customers, and the reason could be that QualiCare has always put people first.   To support this worthy cause you may purchase a maid cleaning gift certificate, or you may either contact The Charlotte Emergency Housing, or by phone at (704) 335-5488, or you can contact QualiCare Maids at the contact information below Charlotte/ Waxhaw Office: (704)     ©2009 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News and shall not be reproduced or reprinted without owner's permission. more

By North Carolina Consumer News November 17, 2009

QualiCare Maids Helping Homeless For Christmas

QualiCare Maids Is Donating 10% Of All Christmas Maid Service Gift Certificates That Are Sold Between Thanksgiving And Christmas 2009,To Help Needy Single Mothers And Their Children At Charlotte Emergency Housing In Charlotte, NC   QualiCare Maids is the most popular and most widely used independently owned maid cleaning service in North Carolina, that boast higher ratings and consumer reviews than many franchise cleaning services because of their affordable Total Cleaning Program, attention to detail, friendly well trained staff, professional quality work, and their commitment to serving customers with nothing less than excellence.   This holiday season, QualiCare Maids will continue its noble efforts to gather donations of toys, clothing, food, money, and volunteers, to help homeless single mothers and their children at the Charlotte Emergency Housing Complex, located at 2410 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC  28205.   QualiCare will also donate 10% of all profits that come from customers buyingmaid service gift certificates from Thanksgiving to Christmas, in addition to requesting that citizens and business owners join this worthy cause to help the needy this holiday season.   Mr. Nixon, General Manager of QualiCare, said" I have family members and employees that will be foregoing receiving any Christmas gifts from friends and family, and have asked that friends and family donate to help the homeless women and children, instead of giving them a gift this year," and my company is asking all citizens and business owners in Mecklenburg County to have a heart this year and make a needy family happy, you would not believe how a small toy, a good meal, and a piece of new clothing can really bring a smile to a child's face, that may otherwise have to go without a gift of love this holiday season, while so many other people celebrate and share gifts with their friends and family."   QualiCare has been an advocate for the homeless citizens of North Carolina for four years, and have helped homeless citizens in both Fayetteville and Charlotte receivegifts of food, money, clothing, and toys, through soliciting donations from business owners and families in these two cities, and as a result, QualiCare has been blessedwith a profitable company that continues to grow in both popularity and new customers, and the reason could be that QualiCare has always put people first.   To support this worthy cause you may purchase a maid cleaning gift certificate, or you may either contact The Charlotte Emergency Housing, or by phone at (704) 335-5488, or you can contact QualiCare Maids at the contact information below Charlotte/ Waxhaw Office: (704)     ©2009 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News and shall not be reproduced or reprinted without owner's permission. more

By North Carolina Consumer News November 17, 2009

Read The Latest Newsletter from North Carolina Consumer News

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from North Carolina Consumer News. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By North Carolina Consumer News October 18, 2009

Merry Maids Overwhelmed By Maid Service Customer Complaints

Merry Maids Outrages Maid Service Consumers. Complaints such as the one below continue to be lodged against Merry Maids by consumers. Merry Maids just ripped me off for 341.00. The owner misrepresents his company, leading you to believe that by hiring 2 girls for 2.5 hours it's like getting 1 girl for 5 hours. I said, I just want to make sure the baseboards and the tile floors get done. He said, We have a system, we work from the top down, cobwebs, ceiling fans, then dusting on down. An hour and 1/2 into the cleaning the girls said that they could not get done what I needed done in the time frame, they needed more time. So I bought another hour. I am now up to 3.5 hours of cleaning and 2 girls which would mean by his calculation I would be getting 7 hours of cleaning. All they got done was the kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a powder room. It cost me 341.00. I wrote the check. Then I started walking around the house and realized the ceiling fans are full of dust, the cobwebs never got touched, my floors are sticky and not clean and the baseboards were never done. I called the company to tell them that I was not happy. They told me earlier that they love to get calls and make their customers happy. I explained to the girl on the phone that I felt ripped off and also felt the owner misrepresents his services. Terry the owner later called me back and told me to stop cleaning and he and an inspector would be coming over. He was very cocky, condescending and was telling me that I must have misunderstood. I was now getting mad. Soon he and the inspector and one of the cleaning girls came over. You could tell she had been crying. I reminded him of what he had first said to me when we met. You said you work from the top down, right? I asked. He said, yes. I said Look up there, the cobwebs have not been touched and look at the ceiling fan. I showed him the floor in the power room that I cleaned with a wet finger. I showed him the dust on the mantle and he said yes there was dust. He then informed me that, I told you we couldn't get all that done in the time frame you signed up for. I told him I bought another hour and the basics where still not done. He started to humiliate the young cleaning girl. I said Its not her fault, it's yours for misrepresenting your company and what you could really do. He then said he did not have to be insulted like this. I said I am not insulting you. You have just ripped me off for 341.00 for bad service. Read more complaints at the links below: more

By North Carolina Consumer News September 13, 2009


Service Magic faces ongoing consumer complaints, distrust, and serious consumer concerns over their negative business practices.    Negative complaints continue to mount against Service Magic's home improvement online contracting services from unhappy consumers that have tried their online contracting services. The complaints are so negative, that NC Consumer News has decided to expose the negative business practices of Service Magic and issue a consumer alert on this company.   Service Magic is an online home improvement and repair contracting company that operates in all 50 states online, and offer some very impressive Internet advertising to entice consumers, but this is just a veil of deception, as many customers continue to find out first hand, after doing business with Service Magic.   Customers continue to complain that neither Service Magic, nor the contractors they use are professional, and many of these customer complaints are validated by the unprofessional, Sub-standard, poor quality work that they received from many Service Magic contractors.   In one customer's word, "This Company does not thoroughly screen those they recommend for service of any type in yourhome. If you happen to have good luck with them it was a coincidence and not the rule, way too many complaints to list here however most recently they send a Company here for Painting and tile work that were comprised of illegal aliens. I questioned them about it and they avoided the subject. I submitted a complaint to service magic that refused to publish my findings condoning laborers who work for registered Service Magic Contractors to use unsponsored aliens."In another customer's words, they said this about Service Magic, "They claim to have a "10-point" screening process that all contractors go through to be a part of that network. This is a very sore subject for me as I know some people who have had their trust "violated" by those who have been let in their home to do work. Unfortunately, Service Magic's process is mostly style over substance."Service Magic is a contractor service that any and all consumers should be weary of before allowing their unprofessional contractors into your home to do work. Consumers should at least request that any Service Magic contractor present their business license, company bonding, five customer references, and their company liability insurance policy, these are the minimum credentials that any legitimate contractor should make available to all customers that request their services.   Please follow the links below to read detailed customer complaints about Service Magic.   For further updates on companies with negative business practices, or to file a consumer complaint against, or report a scam please visit our web site at:   ©2009 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News and shall not be reproduced or reprinted without owners permission more

By North Carolina Consumer News September 12, 2009


City Search faces class action lawsuit for deceptive marketing    City Search city guides is a popular online Internet service, that Internet surfers use to locate services across the United States, but lately City Search has come under scrutiny for its deceptive scam marketing practices, and as a result, consumers are filing complaints and class action lawsuits against City Search to bring consumer awareness to the deceptive business practices of this company.   This is What one customer's complaint has to say about City Search, "I am a restaurant owner starting a class action lawsuit against, I have had fake reviews posted by an anonymous reviewer signing up under multiple names and writing completely fabricated reviews in violation of CitySearch Terms of Use. CitySearch is aware of the problem and ignores it because their policy is to NOT PROVIDE SERVICE TO ANY RESTAURANTS THAT DO NOT ADVERTISE WITH THEM, I actually have internal CitySearch correspondence stating they won't fix the problem unless I advertise and that they do not even review complaints unless you buy advertising from them. The Salesman then go and use the problems to blackmail restaurants into buying services. AGAIN I HAVE SPECIFIC WRITTEN INTERNAL DOCUMENTATION detailing their predatory and unethical policies AND ILLEGAL POLICIES. If you have any similar complaints please email me"   In the words of another unsatisfied customer, this is what their complaint had to say about the negative scam marketing practices of City Search.   My name is Candy Cantrell and I was a customer of CitySearch for a few months. I found the service to be poor and not at all useful for my business. I tried on numerous occasions to reach Michael Goggins, the rep in charge of my account by phone in early July with no response to cancel my account. On July 21, 2008 I sent him an email, with still no response. On the 24th of July I finally called the other number for CitySearch customer service and spoke with someone (you have record of the phone conversation) who's name I cannot find. At that time he offered me 2 free months of service but I opted to simply cancel the account instead. At that time he told me that the account was canceled and that I would no longer be charged. I logged on to my account a couple of days later to make sure that my account was, in fact, canceled and found that it had been. At some point, someone in your company illegally opened again without my permission or even informing me of this activity.   City Search has been put on the NC Consumer News consumer alert list for their deceptive scam marketing practices, that continue to deceive business owners and consumers nationwide.   To read detailed customer complaints against City Search, please follow the links below:   For further updates on companies with negative business practices, or to file a consumer complaint against, or report a scam please visit our web site at:   ©2009 this article is the sole property of NC Consumer News and shall not be reproduced or reprinted without owners permission more

By North Carolina Consumer News September 12, 2009

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By Harry Anderson

This is a blessing to see someone taking on these corporate pigs like Servicemagic and Merry Maids, I have tried both and the service is horrible, but it seems that when you file a complaint, it just gets lost in a stack of paperwork, so I applaud your brave efforts in exposing these unthoughtful companies that take customers for granted. more

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