Blogs from Retail Shopping Stores in Washington, MO

Daily Power Booster - Think of Marion

Next time you think about quitting or giving up remember Marion. (And gentlemen keep reading this story, don't quit just because it's about a woman -- it's really about love and determination!) Marion Luna Brem was 30 years old when she was handed a death sentence. Marion had cancer of the breast and cervix. In the short span of eleven weeks, she had two surgeries: a mastectomy and hysterectomy. Next she suffered through the horrible effects of chemotherapy. In addition to her pain, the cancer had robbed her of her hair, her savings and her husband. He left because he couldn't deal with the pressure any more. He also left Marion with two small boys and no way to support them. One hot morning Marion found herself on the floor of her bathroom trying not to throw up again. She was not only facing overwhelming pain and paralyzing fear, she was facing a major decision. Would she give up or would she fight back? Thoughts of her children consumed her. She needed to get a job, but she had little work experience and next to no formal education. Add to that equation the fact she was a woman - and a Latina, and the prospects looked as dismal as the bathroom floor. Marion's best friend suggested a job in sales. At first Marion pushed the idea aside. And then she decided to act on it. She chose the male dominated car sales industry. In her healthier days she'd been a switchboard operator at a car dealership and knew there was good money in car sales. She'd also witnessed how the salesmen talked exclusively to the men and virtually ignored the women. Her instincts told her women were a more important part of the equation than they were given credit for. Statistics now prove she was right. When couples buy a car, the woman influences the decision 80% of the time. It wasn't an easy road. Marion was flatly refused applications (because she was a woman) in 16 car dealerships. Finally, at the 17th car dealership she told the manager what she'd observed about women car buyers. He hired her on the spot. Her all-male colleagues welcomed the rookie. They didn't see her as competition but rather as a curiosity. It wasn't until she started out-performing them that they became cool toward her. Even so, Marion received the annual "Salesman of the Year" award -- complete with a man's Rolex watch. She accepted the recognition and enjoyed her achievement. Marion was the top producer for the next two years. Then she approached her boss for a management position. He refused her because he didn't want to remove her from sales -- she was making too much money for the company. Difficult as it was, Marion left the security of that position and hit the pavement again. She was finally hired as an entry-level manager at a new dealership. Two and half years later she was ready to start her own dealership. She went to the drugstore and bought 50 school folders and created portfolios. She called them her "brag folder" and they contained her certificates, press clippings and a biography. She sent the package to 50 CPAs all over Texas. Two weeks later she received a call from one of her contacts. He became her silent partner, put up the working capital and millions in loans and Marion opened a Chrysler dealership. In just 5 years after selling her first car, Marion Luna Brem opened "Love Chrysler" complete with a heart logo on every car. Marion's motto: "It's not just the hearts on our cars, it's the hearts inside our people. We're spreading Love all over Texas!" Today Marion is cancer-free, the owner of two car dealerships, and recently celebrated the 11th anniversary of Love Chrysler. Her company is 89th on the Hispanic Business 500 with revenues of more than $45 million. Success is a frame of mind that takes action. Believe in yourself. Keep moving forward. And remember Marion! Marion Luna Brem was 30 years old when she was handed a death sentence. Marion had cancer of the breast and cervix. In the short span of eleven weeks, she had two surgeries: a mastectomy and hysterectomy. Next she suffered through the horrible effects of chemotherapy. In addition to her pain, the cancer had robbed her of her hair, her savings and her husband. He left because he couldn't deal with the pressure any more. He also left Marion with two small boys and no way to support them. One hot morning Marion found herself on the floor of her bathroom trying not to throw up again. She was not only facing overwhelming pain and paralyzing fear, she was facing a major decision. Would she give up or would she fight back? Thoughts of her children consumed her. She needed to get a job, but she had little work experience and next to no formal education. Add to that equation the fact she was a woman - and a Latina, and the prospects looked as dismal as the bathroom floor. Marion's best friend suggested a job in sales. At first Marion pushed the idea aside. And then she decided to act on it. She chose the male dominated car sales industry. In her healthier days she'd been a switchboard operator at a car dealership and knew there was good money in car sales. She'd also witnessed how the salesmen talked exclusively to the men and virtually ignored the women. Her instincts told her women were a more important part of the equation than they were given credit for. Statistics now prove she was right. When couples buy a car, the woman influences the decision 80% of the time. It wasn't an easy road. Marion was flatly refused applications (because she was a woman) in 16 car dealerships. Finally, at the 17th car dealership she told the manager what she'd observed about women car buyers. He hired her on the spot. Her all-male colleagues welcomed the rookie. They didn't see her as competition but rather as a curiosity. It wasn't until she started out-performing them that they became cool toward her. Even so, Marion received the annual "Salesman of the Year" award -- complete with a man's Rolex watch. She accepted the recognition and enjoyed her achievement. Marion was the top producer for the next two years. Then she approached her boss for a management position. He refused her because he didn't want to remove her from sales -- she was making too much money for the company. Difficult as it was, Marion left the security of that position and hit the pavement again. She was finally hired as an entry-level manager at a new dealership. Two and half years later she was ready to start her own dealership. She went to the drugstore and bought 50 school folders and created portfolios. She called them her "brag folder" and they contained her certificates, press clippings and a biography. She sent the package to 50 CPAs all over Texas. Two weeks later she received a call from one of her contacts. He became her silent partner, put up the working capital and millions in loans and Marion opened a Chrysler dealership. In just 5 years after selling her first car, Marion Luna Brem opened "Love Chrysler" complete with a heart logo on every car. Marion's motto: "It's not just the hearts on our cars, it's the hearts inside our people. We're spreading Love all over Texas!" Today Marion is cancer-free, the owner of two car dealerships, and recently celebrated the 11th anniversary of Love Chrysler. Her company is 89th on the Hispanic Business 500 with revenues of more than $45 million. Success is a frame of mind that takes action. Believe in yourself. Keep moving forward. And remember Marion! more

By My Power Mall June 24, 2008

Daily Power Booster - Think of Marion

Think of Marion Next time you think about quitting or giving up remember Marion. (And gentlemen keep reading this story, don't quit just because it's about a woman -- it's really about love and determination!) Marion Luna Brem was 30 years old when she was handed a death sentence. Marion had cancer of the breast and cervix. In the short span of eleven weeks, she had two surgeries: a mastectomy and hysterectomy. Next she suffered through the horrible effects of chemotherapy. In addition to her pain, the cancer had robbed her of her hair, her savings and her husband. He left because he couldn't deal with the pressure any more. He also left Marion with two small boys and no way to support them. One hot morning Marion found herself on the floor of her bathroom trying not to throw up again. She was not only facing overwhelming pain and paralyzing fear, she was facing a major decision. Would she give up or would she fight back? Thoughts of her children consumed her. She needed to get a job, but she had little work experience and next to no formal education. Add to that equation the fact she was a woman - and a Latina, and the prospects looked as dismal as the bathroom floor. Marion's best friend suggested a job in sales. At first Marion pushed the idea aside. And then she decided to act on it. She chose the male dominated car sales industry. In her healthier days she'd been a switchboard operator at a car dealership and knew there was good money in car sales. She'd also witnessed how the salesmen talked exclusively to the men and virtually ignored the women. Her instincts told her women were a more important part of the equation than they were given credit for. Statistics now prove she was right. When couples buy a car, the woman influences the decision 80% of the time. It wasn't an easy road. Marion was flatly refused applications (because she was a woman) in 16 car dealerships. Finally, at the 17th car dealership she told the manager what she'd observed about women car buyers. He hired her on the spot. Her all-male colleagues welcomed the rookie. They didn't see her as competition but rather as a curiosity. It wasn't until she started out-performing them that they became cool toward her. Even so, Marionreceived the annual "Salesman of the Year" award -- complete with a man's Rolex watch. She accepted the recognition and enjoyed her achievement. Marion was the top producer for the next two years. Then she approached her boss for a management position. He refused her because he didn't want to remove her from sales -- she was making too much money for the company. Difficult as it was, Marion left the security of that position and hit the pavement again. She was finally hired as an entry-level manager at a new dealership. Two and half years later she was ready to start her own dealership. She went to the drugstore and bought 50 school folders and created portfolios. She called them her "brag folder" and they contained her certificates, press clippings and a biography. She sent the package to 50 CPAs all over Texas. Two weeks later she received a call from one of her contacts. He became her silent partner, put up the working capital and millions in loans and Marion opened a Chrysler dealership. In just 5 years after selling her first car, Marion Luna Brem opened "Love Chrysler" complete with a heart logo on every car. Marion's motto: "It's not just the hearts on our cars, it's the hearts inside our people. We're spreading Love all over Texas!" Today Marion is cancer-free, the owner of two car dealerships, and recently celebrated the 11th anniversary of Love Chrysler. Her company is 89th on the Hispanic Business 500 with revenues of more than $45 million. Success is a frame of mind that takes action. Believe in yourself. Keep moving forward. And remember Marion! Marion was the top producer for the next two years. Then she approached her boss for a management position. He refused her because he didn't want to remove her from sales -- she was making too much money for the company. Difficult as it was, Marion left the security of that position and hit the pavement again. She was finally hired as an entry-level manager at a new dealership. Two and half years later she was ready to start her own dealership. She went to the drugstore and bought 50 school folders and created portfolios. She called them her "brag folder" and they contained her certificates, press clippings and a biography. She sent the package to 50 CPAs all over Texas. Two weeks later she received a call from one of her contacts. He became her silent partner, put up the working capital and millions in loans and Marion opened a Chrysler dealership. In just 5 years after selling her first car, Marion Luna Brem opened "Love Chrysler" complete with a heart logo on every car. Marion's motto: "It's not just the hearts on our cars, it's the hearts inside our people. We're spreading Love all over Texas!" Today Marion is cancer-free, the owner of two car dealerships, and recently celebrated the 11th anniversary of Love Chrysler. Her company is 89th on the Hispanic Business 500 with revenues of more than $45 million. Success is a frame of mind that takes action. Believe in yourself. Keep moving forward. And remember Marion! more

By My Power Mall June 24, 2008

Daily Power Boosters

No Magic Formula Imagine a world with no ATM Machines, no passbook savings, no car or home-improvement loans, or no installment-plan credit. Hard to do, isn't it? Well, you owe a huge thanks to one man who refused to be told it couldn't be done. You want to know how to create success in your life? Here's a "secret". If you have a strong vision, and a will to overcome whatever obstacles get in your way, you can accomplish anything. Just ask Amadeo Peter Giannini (A.P.). A.P. certainly had his share of obstacles. When he was only 7, his father died in a fight over one dollar. Things were hard for him and his mother. She remarried a man who went into the produce business. A.P., at age 14, quit school to work with him. By 19 he was a partner in the thriving enterprise, built largely on his reputation for integrity and honesty. At 31 years of age, he had all the money he needed or wanted, and announced his retirement. One year later, his real career bagan. At 32, A.P. was asked to join the board of the Columbus Savings & Loan society, a modest bank in the Italian section of town. It wasn't long before A.P found himself at odds with the other directors. A.P. wanted the bank to loan money to hard-working immigrants but, at that time, banks were in business only for business men and the wealthy. His ideas of loaning money to the working class were scoffed at. No problem. A.P. had a vision and he was determined to make it reality. He raised $150,000 from family and friends bought a converted saloon right across the street from the Columbus S&L, kept the bartender on as an assistant teller and opened the Bank of Italy. In those days it wasn't considered proper to solicit banking business. He ignored the "proper way" and began ringing doorbells and talking to everyone he could about what a bank did. He advertised. He kept the bank open longer hours and on weekends to fit into working people's schedules. Business boomed. A.P. believed in making other people's dreams come true. He helped the California Wine Industry get started. He bankrolled Hollywood when they were trying to make movies popular. When Walt Disney ran $2 million dollars over budget on Snow White, he stepped in with a loan. A.P. believed integrity and "giving back" were the formulas for success. What began in 1904 as the Bank of Italy transformed into the Bank of America - now the world's largest bank. What about A.P.? Did he die a billionaire? When he passed away at age 79, his estate was worth less than $500,000. It was purely by choice. He disdained great wealth, believing it would make him lose touch with the people he wanted to serve. He worked for no pay for years. A surprise $1.5 million bonus one year was promptly given to the University of California. It was far more important for him to give and make a difference. All of us have that ability and opportunity. As you strive for success, remember you can use it to make a difference in the world. A.P. strove to make a difference every day of his life. Follow your own formula for success, then look for ways to give back to the world that has given you so much. There are always ways. They are out there waiting for you to find them! And, just like A.P., you can pretty much count on the fact you will face numerous problems and obstacles. Your success will come as you overcome each one - one at a time. There is no magic formula - unless you are wise enough to recognize vision, passion, determination and hard work as a magic formula! Make it a successful day! more

By My Power Mall June 07, 2008

My Power Mall

Let me start with a basic principle:  Everyone wants to make their life better.  Ask people what better means and they will tell you different things, but everyone agrees they want their life to be better.  The question is how to make it better! Well, most people will tell you they need more mon.ey to make their life better.  Just how much is different for each person, but most will agree they just need more.  So what keeps them from making more money?  Well, they will tell you they do not have the money to start making money.  They do not have the skills to make money.  They do not know how to sell anything and, besides, they hate selling.  And, they do not have the time to make m.oney.  They probably also do not believe they can make more money.  They have tried before and failed.  Maybe they have tried a lot of times and still failed.  They just do not have it in them to try again.  Ginny Dye, the founder of My Power Mall, spent many years in the Network Marketing or Multi-level Marketing Industry. She was a leader and trainer in her company.  Anyone would have called her a success but she walked away from all of it 5 years ago.  Why?  Because she was tired of watching so many wonderful people try and fail.  Do you know that only 3% of people in MLM actually succeed?  That means 97% of them FAIL.  She simply could no longer introduce people to something and ask them for money, commitment and time; only to watch them fail, drop out and end up discouraged and disillusioned.  She walked away and never looked back.  During the last 5 years she has worked with a team of 60 amazing people, investing a half million dollars of cash and time, to create a simple system that EVERYONE can succeed with.  It is not your typical MLM.  It is not a typical Affiliate Program.  Frankly, it is not a typical anything!  It is simply a brand new concept that will allow the 97% of people who have failed before to finally succeed! Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!  -    MY POWER MALL really is FREE.  There is no cost to you. EVER.  -        There is nothing to SELL.  All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.  -    Give away FREE Malls and create financial freedom from all the purchases on your team.  -        There are No Crazy Qualifying Games. Just one purchase a month - any amount - qualifies you for all pay!  -        There are no meetings.  People already know how to shop!   -        All tools are FREE.  You are given everything you need.  My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives.  In fact, that's their motto. Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives! If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at  You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered.  And, if you would like a live person to talk to, please contact me at 636-390-3965. more

By My Power Mall June 02, 2008

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