Blogs from Women's Health Companies in Wyoming, MI

DHA and false advertising

"Independent studies say there is no proven link between artificially added DHA and eyesight, and some studies have found possible negative effects of DHA supplementation." Interested? Read more here: more

By Breastfeeding Support Home Visits, Amanda Stuart March 17, 2011

Surgeon General's call to action to support breastfeeding

from "What can families and friends of mothers do? Give mothers the support and encouragement they need to breastfeed. Take advantage of programs to educate fathers and grandmothers about breastfeeding." ...and if they would only print a Surgeon General's Warning on breastmilk substitutes... more

By Breastfeeding Support Home Visits, Amanda Stuart March 10, 2011

Toll From Tainted Chinese Formula Climbs to 53,000

 New  Rochelle, NY, September 25, 2008 – The number of infants  in China who have fallen ill as a result of formula tainted by  melamine, has reached 53,000 and is responsible for the deaths  of at least three infants. (New  York Times,  September 24, 2008)  A report released by the Xinhua News Agency indicates the Sanlu Group,  the producer of the tainted formula, had received consumer complaints  about their product as early as December 2007, and repeatedly made  efforts to hide information about possible contamination. Melamine,  a chemical compound used mainly as a fire retardant, has been identified  as the contaminant in the formula which has now led to the recall of  Chinese-made dairy products in China and other parts of Asia as well.  In  response to these continuing reports of tainted Chinese baby formula,  the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine ( urges  public agencies worldwide to renew education and support for breastfeeding.  The tragic and unnecessary deaths of infants in China , and the sickening  of thousands of others, remind us of a truth health experts have long  understood: with extremely rare exceptions, breastmilk is unquestionably  the safest method of infant feeding.   Much attention has  been focused lately on ways in which food and other supply chains in  China should be more carefully monitored and regulated, a problem which  has proven to be ubiquitous, deeply engrained in the Chinese economy,  and thus far highly unmanageable.  In  the case of infant feeding, however, very little has been said about  what would appear to be the most effective long-term strategy to  protect infants against future feeding catastrophes, namely, the  promotion of breastfeeding.  The melamine scandal,  together with the terribly catastrophic earthquake that ravaged so  many Chinese communities last May, should have demonstrated to China  and to the entire world that breastfeeding is a practice that all societies  should cherish, safeguard, and promote. This stark reminder of the  potential dangers of artificial milk, underscores the importance of promoting, protecting, and supporting breastfeeding worldwide.  Dr.  Caroline Chantry, President of the Academy of Breastfeeding  Medicine, pointed out “ China is not the first, or only country to fall prey to contaminated baby formula. But we must make  it the last. And we do know how.”  According  to the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), a recent decline  in funding world-wide for public education and training of health  professionals to support breastfeeding, has resulted in a decline  of hospitals implementing the WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.  The Initiative incorporates ten steps for successful breastfeeding,  and forbids the unethical promotion of beastmilk substitutes in health  facilities. And the  Academy of Breastfeeding  Medicine continues to promote professional education through its  conferences, publications, and its peer-reviewed journal Breastfeeding Medicine ( more

By Breastfeeding Support Home Visits, Amanda Stuart September 25, 2008

Nestlé boycott info. quoted from INFACT Canada

International Nestlé-Free Week, July 2-8 2007 INFACT Canada has long supported the international boycott of Nestlé products. As the campaign’s coordinator in North America, we are very excited to announce that this year, July 2-8 has been declared International Nestlé-Free Week. According the the World Health Organisation (WHO) 1.5 million babies die every year as a result of inappropriate feeding practices. Many of these deaths occur in impoverished nations as a result of infant formula use. Despite this, Nestlé continues to aggressively adverstise its baby milks in breach of international standards. Monitoring by groups on the ground around the world shows Nestlé is responsible for more violations than any other company. That's why it is singled out for boycott action. If you don't boycott Nestlé already, we ask that you consider looking at the evidence and giving up Nestlé products for one week, at least. Boycott groups around the world have declared 2-8 July to be International Nestlé-Free Week. The boycott has forced some changes from the company, but Nestlé is still a long way from complying with marketing standards that will save infant lives. Campaigners are also working for laws which implement the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes. Nestlé can be forced to comply if it is given no choice, but without pressure it continues to put its own profits before infant health and mothers' rights. You can find out more information and look at the evidence yourself on the Baby Milk Action website at: You can sign up there to support the boycott. You can also visit It is important to tell Nestlé you will be boycotting it, whether it is just for the week, or indefinitely, until it accepts and acts on the plan put to it by boycott groups for saving infant lives. You can telephone Nestlé Infant Nutrition in Canada at 1 800 387-5536. In the USA, their contact number is 1-800-225-2270. You can also send them an email through their website at Let them know you won’t fund their unethical marketing of infant formula. more

By Breastfeeding Support Home Visits, Amanda Stuart June 20, 2007

Here’s what past clients have to say:

Here is feedback moms have allowed me to pass on in the past: “Thank you so much for all the time you spent consulting me on the ins, outs, ups, & downs of breastfeeding. We feel really fortunate that I could call on you for help during this time of adjustment. Your generosity of time and willingness to hear out all my concerns has meant a lot to all of us. The last conversation I had with you helped put many of my fears to rest and helped me feel a lot more confident about breastfeeding. Thank you so much for helping walk me through everything. Your thoughts & ideas have made a big difference in my experience & the breastfeeding is going much better these days.” Monica, mom to Eli “ is doing good, up to 9 lbs, eating, sleeping, pooping great! Going to see my niece Xmas eve & tell her how much help you were. Hopefully, she'll give you a call.” Lisa, mom to Katie “Breastfeeding was the most amazing experience which caught me off guard. I doubted the bonding capacity and was simply doing it because I knew it was best for Ian. Now that he is fully weaned, I miss nursing ... I think maybe more than he does :)...Thank you again Amanda!” Amy, mom to Ian more

By Breastfeeding Support Home Visits, Amanda Stuart May 01, 2007

breastfeeding support gift certificates on WGVU Auction

I have some gift certificates at auction that could go for great prices. To support breastfeeding and public broadcasting at the same time, go to the following link and search keyword mom: more

By Breastfeeding Support Home Visits, Amanda Stuart May 01, 2007

Recent Reviews View all

Michigan Obstetrics & Gynecology


By Shell1977 at Citysearch

As a certified medical coder, I know what should and should not be billed for different services. I was scheduled for a minor office procedure for which I was charged a co-pay. Co-pays are for office visits not procedures. I did question the front staff but 'it is the way they do it.' Once I saw the EOB, I saw that they billed my insurance for an office visit on top of the procedure. To everyone out there: the provider MUST do something above and beyond the procedure in order to bill both services. When I called to talk to a biller, Sue, today, she said that the doctor told me about the procedure and that is the office, NO! Aren't doctors supposed to tell their patients about what they are going to do and what the patient might feel or experience? These types of discussions are included in the procedure. I requested to have my documentation reviewed by a coder and Sue said that the doctor is on vacation for 2 weeks, so they won't get back to me until she gets back and looks at the documentation, since the DOCTOR picked the codes. I'm a coder and I don't practice medicine. I am more than willing to consult this practice on proper coding. I'm pretty sure they don't look good in stripes or orange jumpsuits! Sorry, MI OBGYN, you have lost a patient...also they billed the wrong insurance for the lab fees, so I'm also dealing with that issue! more

Michigan Obstetrics & Gynecology


By Peanutoils at Citysearch

Metro health is no doubt a beautiful institution with amazing up to date technology however, their OBGYN center has really disappointed me. They dont call and remind you of appointments like most doctor offices, they said their office doesn't do that, on two occasions the receptionist staff mixed up my appointments and i came in on the wrong days. The staff strikes me as if they dont know how to use their computers, i think they are trying to get use to a new system because they look confused. The doctors are very nice and respectful but i thought it was bizarre that my Doc had to ask me how many months i was after i had been there for over 6 months(does she not do her research before she comes in the room?) I am strongly debating to leave this center. Besides the facility and technology that keeps me in awe, i just wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. They really need to get their staff in order and organized for that matter. more

Michigan Obstetrics & Gynecology


By luvleelady at Citysearch

It was my first appointment here, and after waiting over 30 minutes, I asked the staff if they always ran behind or if today was just a busy day. They contacted a nurse who brought me back shortly after. I was there for a fitting of a diaphragm. The nurse told me I could no longer get a diaphragm and said I was wasting my time, I asked to still speak with the physician about getting one. The nurse left and began to talk to the doctor in the hallway, and with the door closed I still over heard the whole conversation. Where the nurse explained I complained about waiting so long, and about still wanting a diaphragm fitting. The doctor came in and explained the double booked the appt. slot and that is why I was not called in. Then she told me she still would fit me and write me a prescription, even though I might not be able to fill it. The visit was over within seconds and the physician did not even offer me any information about the product and the proper way to use it. I went to the first pharmacy which was CVS and had no problem getting the diaphragm. I felt like I was rushed out because the staff over booked and the physician got behind with earlier patients. The price of an office visit alone is not worth the loss of professional of this office. more

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