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Janice S. Melvin Full Spectrum Healing Bodywork

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35.1185868 -120.5907252
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About Janice S. Melvin Full Spectrum Healing Bodywork

Janice offers a Full Spectrum Healing Bodywork specializes in Massage, Bodywork and Energy Healing and Life Coaching and Spiritual Advising for any issue of life for the body, mind, soul and spirit.. She has a expertise in bodywork for the old injuries.

A California State Certified Massage Therapist and Medical Intuitive for over 20 yrs. Janice Melvin provides Massage and Bodywork for Soft Tissue Injuries, Stress/Pain Relief from Repetitive Injuries, Fitness/Sports, Accidents or Stress Related Illness, (common factor in depressing immune system for disease is stress) Massage is one of the best ways to relieve Stress and then learn how you may be responding to your relationship with life. Maybe you chronically feel stressed and don't realize what our thoughts may be choosing or maybe you need to move out of the environment and you keep yourself stuck.

Energy Science Healing such as Reiki, Chakra and Aura Clearing or use medical intuition to locate blocks or obstacles in the energy system can further balance the natural systems of the Human Energy Body from stress in mind, body, spirit and soul healing, giving the body what it needs to support its natural magnificent self healing powers.

Janice has formal training in the Advance Energy Healing of the Human Energy System, as well as being a natural empathic. She combines with her experience and knowledge with anatomy, pathology and physiology connection indepth. Her passion is to help clients heal the relationships with self and that in turn will heal the relationship with physical health, money, love etc. There is a natural intuitive sense built into every being, so why not learn to use it and develop it for a way that serves you in better health and greater joy.

The psyche is a very important part of how we maintain health and it is Janice's mission to share how natural psychic development plays a role in every persons natural makeup as natural as the five senses of the body. (See, hear, taste, smell, know,) and how what we think and feel has a very important part of our health and wellbeing in all areas of our life. What we believe, we create!

Janice is now expanding her services and sharing these natural self-healing abilities explaining the science, defusing the mystery and fear of the psychic in all of us working and healing the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine aspects in Balance and partnership, to assist others to understand how they are using it unconsciously and then begin to use it consciously and with greater responsibility will improve their live and wellbeing. and their relationships. She works with guided visualization in a meditative method with the clients or students of how to effectively heal from the inside out using your own natural senses. Now offering Empowered Venus Life Coaching at Chakra Healing Center, 636 W. Grand Ave, Suite A, Grover Beach, CA
Classes at 6:30pm Thursdays, phone sessions are available and she offers a reduced rate for monthly phone session subscribers, you will find more information on her website at WWW.divinewellbeingmastery.com . Activate the power of the Divine feminine in every aspect of your life and you can Turn your Venus on, Self-love program to guide you to your Divine Self. Find new perspective and insights to old issues, ready to change your life and be in love with life, call Janice today or go to her website at www.divinewellbeingmastery.com You will be glad you did.
You can reach her for private session at 805-441-7315 for an appointment 1 or 2 days in advance -

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IMAG0111 by Janice S. Melvin Full Spectrum Healing Bodywork


Messages for Janice S. Melvin Full Spectrum Healing Bodywork

Specializes in Physical Realignment Bodywork and Healing Arts Methods to further enhance natural balance, health and wellness for wellbeing of self.

By Full Spectrum Healing for DivineWellbeing Bodywork on October 09, 2010
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