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Message for Handyman Matters North Houston

Thank you so much for your connection! If you or your clients require pet sitting or dog walking services, please let me know. I will be happy to refer you to my clients. We could exchange b. cards

By Awesome Pawsome Pet Sitting - Betty Wheeler-Myrtoglou on July 18, 2010
Handyman Matters Logo

You are welcome! Thank you for your connection too! We would be happy to refer customers back and forth. Thanks again.

July 19, 2010

Welcome, we are honored to have you in our network. Our attorneys legally restore credit ratings for thousands every month. If we can help any of your clients, just let us know. Thanks!

By LEGAL CREDIT AID / National Credit Federation: Attorney Credit Restoration Services Nationwide on April 30, 2010

I need power washing to the brick and repairs to the soffits, gutters, siding and garage door facing. I am trying to refinance and need the repairs done at a reasonable cost in a timely fashion.

By jacqueline mansfield on March 22, 2010

If you ever need someone to install, sand & finish or repair a hardwood floors, give me a call. Matt (512)508-5125 (in the Austin and Surrounding Areas)

By Miner's Hardwood Floors on May 29, 2008
Handyman Matters Logo

Matt, we are located in the Houston area. There is a Handyman Matters location in Austin, however, run by T.J. Bass. Look him up.

May 30, 2008

Thanks for adding me to your network. I will definitely refer you to my clients that need home improvement repairs done.

By Redesign Etc. Home Staging on September 17, 2007

Our Thursday Office hours are 8AM till 5PM. Call during that time to schedule an appointment. Our Craftsmen work until the day's work is completed (usually around 5 or 6PM).

By Bob Mabry, Owner on June 27, 2007

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