Reviews for Mental Health Facilities in Naples, FL

McDowell Michael Lmhc


By Anonymous

Hello mr. Michael McDowell, I met you several years ago when my son, Robert Wesley Hoffman was in treatment with you in fmy. Do you no longer have ft Myers appts? He has been recommended to see dr. Robert Allen by his former psychiatrist, dr. Fred Schaerf. He is electing to seek counsel and I offered to help pay for treatment as long as he chose to be proactive in seeking help. He does have addiction, anxiety symptoms. I don't expect you to remember him (or me) however, of all the mental health counselors I've observed over the years of family treatment, I remember your guidance, counsel and intuitive skills far surpassing most others who have similar titles and credentials. I also saw you had reviewd a book by one of my favorites, Joseph Campbell, "the Art of Living". My question is: do you offer appts in ft Myers? Do you know of dr. Robert Allen and his manner of treating patients/client? Is there some one you would like to suggest for above referenced condition? Should we elect to re-establish Wesley as a patient of yours, if meds are indicated, are you able to work with a psychiatrist to write prescriptions (only if necessary or elected by patient)? Thank you for your precious time reviewing my questions. I sincerely appreciate your professional guidance. Sincerely!! Beatrice a. Coyne P.s. I reflect often on my short visit with you when Wesley was in treatment. You were so perceptive. I promised myself "someday" I want to be helped by this man. He asks tough questions! Perhaps my day has arrived too! Obviously I am a first class enabler! Perhaps you could assemble a big "no" neon sign for my forehead. Thanks. Bz more

Mack Patrice C MD


By scrodz

Bad, bad, bad. No help to be had here, just give me your money and take these pills. If you don't give her enough money on a regular basis, she'll drop you as a patient. more

Alta Vista Counseling


By MariaMaker

I had my first appointment w/ Dr. Ramirez. He walks up and photographs you without asking. He said his business does that. Just fargen weird and intrusive to me. Never asked me about my educational background was and skipped many common helpful questions and was not given a game plan for therapy. Second appointment, no direction. Weird. No direction! Felt that the therapy was disorganized and not thought out.. it seems like there was no thought put into it. Like it was being whinged. I nolonger go there. more

Alta Vista Counseling


By johnnymarcella

I feel really sorry for patients who don't know what good therapy is. There are quite a few educated therapists out there, but can they heal? Mauricio is a nice person who wants to help. He is knowledgable and assertive. That I give him, but he is missing the ability to have insight to me. Considering I'm a pretty up-front person and assertive person, I don't see why he needs extra insight to be able to help me. I think he disregards what I feel should be done and does not explain things well. He explains, but not well. It always seems like the very short version, which makes me feel like he views me as a child or some form of retarded person that can't retain a good explaination. Patients should play an active role in their treatment and be aware of all treatment avenues - a therapist should not make those decisions for you. I fell that Mauricio doesn't see the patient's path as being as significant as his. I wonder if this is because he knows he has people by the gonads because some of his clients are court ordered to go to therapy, or maybe it's because he works with too many anger management people and feels like he needs more control. I don't know.I do like Mauricio and I think he truly wants to help people. BUT therapy belongs to me. Unfortunately, wanting to help people doesn't cure people. It takes two - professionals who want to care AND can perform effective therapy with the active participation of their client's in all aspects of therapy.I recommend not wasting your dime on a closure session to explain to Mauricio or any therepist that you don't feel comfortable with. Why pay money to fire them? Discuss your need for closure, or whatever, with your new therapist, if you want.I have a new therapist who explains things well and respects my decisions. You don't realize what you never had, until you get it. Be wary of therapists who care, but can't perform.There should be no guild or shame in letting a therapist go. They are not your friend - they are your employee. That employee should be personable, but most importantly, provide therapy to improve your condition as quickly as possible. I do not recommend Mauricio only because I believe he is incapable of finding that connection in people that tells them they are in the driver's seat when it comes to their therapy. more

Schaller James MD Mar Dabpn Cmr Cmi PA


By Anonymous

Dr. Schaller has dedicated his life to do the Lord's work. He has saved lives and livelihoods. He cares about every aspect of comfort and works tirelessly to help his patients. I once thought cancer would be the toughest disease to fight. I now know there are many other diseases in life that can destroy people. Dr. Schaller can help put it all back together.He will always hold a special place in my heart for what he has done for me and my family. more

Pamela Sunny Smith PhD LMFT Daacs


By Anonymous

Saw this "therapist" for about a year, and have spent the last 5 years undo-ing the damage she only made worse. Do not see her, I promise you will regret it. Unprofessional, late (15-45 minutes at all times), unethical more

Assisted Addiction Recovery


By Trevor Dyer

I don't know where to start. Well, I do know now. The director of this center doesn't even have a bachelor degree in psychology or mental health. The field of helping is one of the most difficult fields to get a private practice because you fist need a masters and then a license. But the director, Theresa Finer works under state license and that's is how she keeps herself in business. She is a money machine. She counsels for everything and anything. And she employed her siste who has less education and experience than her. Michelle Lauro. But... hold on.... clients are not supposed to know this.... that they are sisters..... and why? Because they know that in this case, decisions have been taken based on the links of blood not talent. This agency should disappear, FOREVER. more

Alta Vista Counseling


By Marie Sam

People that don't know what counseling is about will find Mauricio (maybe) to be a good therapist that cares. I believe he is a broken record that just repeats the obvious: if you complain about your job, he will say something like: you seem unhappy with your job.... (no kidding!) and tries this abused path: Is everything ok at home? Yes, everything is, LISTEN to what I am telling you here and don't go where you want to go. He doesn't have the capacity of connecting with another person or being present or feel the feelings. He is at best mediocre. And here he is charging 120 dollars an hour. Then, I wanted to leave (I should have) before the session was over. It was paid anyway so I should have saved my honor at least. It is important to walk away in time because people like him can really damage you and make you feel very frustrated so you feel worse than when you enter in his office. NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR DEEP< SERIOUS WORK TO EXAMINE YOUR LIFE more

Alta Vista Counseling


By marie Sam

Mauricio is an outspoken, assertive (if it is true that he conveys a positive "cheerful" image) licensed social worker without a clue of what an encounter with another human being is about. As a client, I sat there and he never took the time to explore the client-counselor relationship was about, what was his view of the counselor relationship was about, what was his view of the counseling process or what I should expect. He focused on addressing "symptoms", he was contrived, dry, phony and completely mechanic. He pretended to know what my problems were and going where he wanted to go, not where I wanted to go. He rushed in verbalizing that he understood what I felt (he didn't) and posed all the time (they way he sits and acts, and talks) as an expert. He didn't respect me enough to be able to share his views of attending therapy like a regular process in personal growth (regardless if you feel mentally sick or not) more

Alta Vista Counseling


By Marie Sam

I am amazed at the amount of licensed Social Workers doing "therapy" without having any talent or vocation for this. In Naples, this has become a problem and a plague.They consider cool to sit there and make money in a fancy job: "Being a therapist" Mauricio Ramirez is a very mediocre counselor, if we can call him like that. Not everybody is a counselor. Although you can find many social workers that can do a good job, solve problems, care about others and advocate. However when it comes to counseling, this means nothing. The art of being a therapist takes many qualities that the poor clients are unaware of hence they land in hands of people like Mauricio Ramirez. Mauricio is an outspoken, assertive (if it is true that he conveys a positive "cheerful" image) licensed social worker without a clue of what an encounter with another human being is about. As a client, I sat there and he never took the time to explore the client-counselor relationship was about, what was his view of the more

Aar Counseling Services


By Steven W

Grief, couples. substance abuse, marriage dynamics, gay/lesbian issues/ etc etc, specially when they keep changing staff..... this is questionable more

Aar Counseling Services


By Susan

Theresa Finer bullies employees. This agency has had at least 10 different employees in 2-3 years. The director is a genius in making money and defending her business. Her sister Michelle Lauro started being the recepcionist and now she is one of the "counselors" of the agency. Please note that Michelle doesn't even has a bachelor degree. It is amazing no one is monitoring the clinical and ethical behavior of this agency and they keep getting away with this. List of employees that have been fired for dishonest behaviro (all of them, who interestingly were hired by Theresa herself): Maria Serein, Ann Shaver, Kelly, Therese Richmond, Rosa Fillios, Steven, Kim, and now they hired two new employees; Joan and Anne T . We will see how long they last before the director gets in one of her paranoid and megalomaniac moods. more

Aar Counseling Services


By James

This is an agency that saw a great opportunity in DUI victims, in Naples or in Fort Myers is very easy to get a DUI and that is record that you have for life, an stain in your morality so to speak. The agency sees court ordered clients like DUI and sexual offenders and forbids to have a drink while you are attending to counseling whether you have alcohol issues or not. If you are honest enough to say that you had a a glass of wine while going to group sessions (that means in three months because they give you at least 12 sessions, once per week) they will give more sessions. They make profit like everybody else, charging for the counseling and giving urine tests " surprisingly" which is not required since court gives you one too once in a while. You have to pay 35 dollars for this urine test that they agency required and they intimidated you saying that wherever you did it will show up there, which is not true. more

Aar Counseling Services


By Anna

This is an agency focus on profit and advertising. Advertising more than director and the staff are qualified for. They have a lie detector devise, a doctor that does drug treatment for alcohol addiction and they have just signed a contract to provide more drug oriented treatment and make money. They charge more than 200 dollars for a MMPI, which is one of the most serious personality tests in the world and which requires training to apply and to score. They score this test in a poor software program that provides even poorer results and not reliable conclusions on clients personalities profile. No one has training in assessment in this office. The grandiloquence of the director in their website about the staff members is outrageous, naming her own sister (the front desk secretary) a "paraprofessional" and other terms to embellish under qualified staff. more

Rectanus Earl Ph.D.


By Lola

The secretary is mean! Don't call this office, they won't help you more

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Jan Ice, MSW, LCSW

1415 Panther Lane, Suite 215 Naples FL 34109 2393022062 Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Contact us at (239) 302-2062 in Naples, FL, for more information about our dependable counseling services. counseling services, Naples, FL more

By Jan Ice, MSW, LCSW February 16, 2015

Govenor Signs Bill Permitting Random Drug Testing

Governor Rick Scott has signed a controversial new bill into law that will permit random drug testing for state workers in Florida. The new bill is being criticized, with some people saying that random drug testing by the government violates the Constitution's ban on unreasonable search and seizures. It is expected that the bill will be challenged. more

By The Treatment Center of the Palm Beaches, LLC April 11, 2012

Naples Mom Drunk With Four Kids At Amusement Park

A mom in Naples was at an amusement park with four children when one of the children called a friend to say her mom was "really drunk" and "hanging over some guy she didn't know."Karin Rosemarie Reinhard, 41, passed out at the amusement park and did not realize she was still there when police tried to wake her. She called the police "Nazis" and "Hitler." more

By The Treatment Center of the Palm Beaches, LLC January 05, 2012

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