Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen

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About Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen

Do you have a business that you would like to make more green? Would you like to be more environmentally friendly but just don't know where to start?

EmagineGreen has Eco-Workshops that meet everyone at the current level of living a "green" life. We take the massive amount of information about the environment and what we can do to change it and put it into digestible amounts of information that can be used daily to make a difference. We also have many products that can help you in your efforts to have a greener household from our Urban Compost Bins to Elemental Shopping Totes so that we use less plastic bags!

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Reviews about Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen



Awesome information!


Nicole is awesome and knowledgable!

She's just the greatest!


Photos for Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen

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Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen Blog

The One Bag Challenge

Did you know that 149 households that compost keep 218,136 lbs of food scraps out of landfills annually? (Imagine what their garden or their flowers look like… ) Did you also know that there are some retailers that are charging their customers at the register for the plastic bags that they use? It cost money to make those plastic bags and they are passing that cost on to you, the consumer!I’m sure many of you have gone into Wal-Mart or maybe even The Dollar Tree and see that they are selling ... READ MORE Posted March 11, 2009 at 01:06 PM

Friends of Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen



Henderson, NV

Messages for Eco-Workshops By emagineGreen

Thank you very much for accepting my invite! If I may ever be of assistance to you please don't hesitate to contact me. I wish you the best!

By Angel's Affordable Web Design on September 19, 2009

Well, thank you for inviting ME! I'll let you know when I'm ready to start up a website. Right now we aren't able to really afford it, not to mention, I'm not exactly sure what I would put up on it or how often I would update it. You can always give me a quote. It'll be more of an informational website set up much like a blog to give new information once a month or bi-monthly about little things that can help the environment. Also, if there is anything I can ever do for you, let me know! With EmagineGreen we have Eco-Parties and Eco-Workshops to show people simple ways to make their home or office a little greener. We have body lotions and shower gels with non-toxic ingredients to even urban compost bins that you can use at an apartment. I have a lot of information and several fun games to play for you, your friends, and co-workers. I look forward to hearing back from you about cost of a web design. I am completely clueless as to what it takes to run a site or even get a domain name. My shopping website is maintained by the company. I would just like one of my own so I can direct my customers to it for occasional updates! Thank you for your time and I hope you have a GREAT day! Nicole Penney

September 24, 2009
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