Reviews for Mental Health Facilities in Orange, CT

Healing Hypnosis LLC


By Veronica Brillon

When you don't understand why your not moving in your life try hypnosis. I did and I was thankful. I was stuck in a rut through hypnosis we identified what was wrong now I am rocking and rolling. more

Healing Hypnosis LLC


By Becky

I had struggled with out of control eating for a long time so I went to Fern for hypnosis. After a couple of sessions I was able to do away with bad habits and lost weight. Fern's expertise and compassion are a winning combination--I'm so grateful for her help. more

Healing Hypnosis LLC


By Andie Aldino

Fern is a wonderful caring professional. She always devoted our entire session to helping me. We used both hypnosis and tapping. I recommend her with my heart, more

Healing Hypnosis LLC


By Heather L. Ziemba

I was very nervous about taking my licensing exam for counseling. Fern hypnotized me to help me with the anxiety and to help me retain the material I had to study. I truly believe I would not have passed the exam given my track record with previous test taking, if it had not been for Fern's expertise in hypnosis. But I did, and I felt calm, collected. The answers came to me as if I was looking them up in a card file. Thank you Fern, Heather Ziemba, MA, LPC more

Healing Hypnosis LLC


By Cynthia

After trying a lot of things to lose weight, hypnosis has been a wonderful way to get on track and stay on track. Fern is gentle, nonjudgemental, enthusiastic, and good at what she does, and I would recommend her to anyone! I am getting steady results, and feel great about the process. more

Healing Hypnosis LLC


By Dr. Lawrence Kline

Fern Tausig is very effective in helping to understand basic self issues and guiding to change responses. I found her hypnotic technique successful for bringing a positive, happy life perspective and I highly recommend her. more

Healing Hypnosis LLC



Hypnosis with Fern has improved my self-confidence and self esteem. Fern helped me to be consciously aware of what I am eating. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks and I can actually say that it wasn’t difficult and that I didn’t work out. I am just in a different mindset now and I do not crave food. I tend to be a skeptical person, but I am now an advocate of the power of hypnosis.” She is a very kind and positive person who truely does everything in her power to help her clients. more

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Sleep Better With Hypnosis

I Am So Tired, Why Can’t I Sleep?   How many times have you asked yourself this question or said the words, “I Can’t sleep?”  I had a client tell me she is not a ‘sleeper’. I asked her, “You don’t sleep?” Her response was, “well, I sleep but only for 4 hours at a time.” So, I said, “you do sleep but you keep telling yourself you don’t.” And therein lies the problem. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis! Every time you tell yourself something, you are creating a new reality.  Change your self-talk. Be careful what you say to yourself because your unconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and fantasy. It is like a camcorder recording all your experiences and thoughts, the good, the bad and the ugly. “I’m not a sleeper,” is one example or, “I can’t lose weight,” or “smoking relaxes me.” None of those are true, but they become your reality. Theybecomeyour truth. There many causes of insomnia. It can be sleep apnea, stress, caffeine, eating late or medicines. Except for sleep apnea, which sometimes goes away with losing weight, they can all be eliminated without medical help. Insomnia can run in families. Did you hear your parents complaining that they ‘can’t sleep’ or ‘our family are poor sleepers.” If you believe you can’t sleep, you’re right! However, everyone sleeps, eventually. Sleep, like eating, is just a habit. We get into a poor sleep habit and then the fear of not being able to sleep prolongs the habit. Quality sleep can make the difference between a happy or miserable life. Our mind and body require sleep. People who don’t sleep well cannot lose weight, are cranky and get depressed.  There are ways to overcome sleep problems without drugs.  You can do it, if you believe you can. Relearning to sleep begins with changing self-talk. Eliminate the word insomnia from your vocabulary. It is just a fear-based belief. Change the belief to; “sleep is easy and I fall asleep and stay asleep.” Repeat that over and over again, fake it till you make it! Change the fear of not being able to sleep, to motivation tolearnhow to relax your mind and body.  Learning to relax not only feels good, its good for you.  There are many ways to relax and I will list a few:  Meditate or create a movie in your mind that brings you a calm, relaxing feeling.  Stop eating 3 hours before bed. Avoid TV if it creates heightened emotions. Learn progressive relaxation. Take 3 long, slow deep breaths and then focus your awareness on your breath. If your mind begins to wander, or thoughts pop into your head, let them come and let them go without a second thought. Refocus on your breath. Clear your mind. One way to clear your mind is to tell yourself to clear your mind and write down everything you need to remember for tomorrow, on a piece of paper by your bed. Use relaxing music and expect to sleep. Learn self-hypnosis to reprogram your mind. Instead of saying “I can’t sleep.” Say, “I can’t stay awake.” Your unconscious mind does whatever you say! You can’t find sleep, it has to find you but you have to be willing to relax and let it happen. more

By Healing Hypnosis LLC November 05, 2013

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