Blogs from Churches in Denver, CO

Green Mountain Presbyterian Church

Contact Green Mountain Presbyterian Church at (720) 669-3493 in Lakewood, CO, for faith-based Sunday school and worship services. Our Presbyterian church also holds Bible studies throughout the year. Green Mountain Presbyterian Church Lakewood, CO, 80228 Phone: (720) 669-3493 Fax: (303) 987-2034 Email: Website: presbyterian church, sunday school, lakewood, co more

By Green Mountain Presbyterian Church August 05, 2015

Governments can pass laws God always gets the Glory

Luke 2:1 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered NKJV  This verse is the first verse in "The Story of Jesus birth". A decree was made that everyone was to be counted. The government (Caesar Augustus) was trying to gain more control over those in their empire which included Mary and Joseph. Though the powers that be were trying to exert control through this situation God was aware and in control during this whole time and his will was being done Joseph and Mary were being moved to Bethlehem to fulfill the prophecy Mic 5:2                                                                                    "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me  The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting."  NKJV This was no doubt a disruption to the lives of many and how much more to a pregnant Mary. But her trust was in God and the promise given to her. Furthermore this decree was just one of the many events orchestrated to put the birth of the Messiah in perfect alignment with Gods prophetic word. As we look out onto the political scene unfolding today we cannot only look with natural eyes that see difficulty burden etc. We have got to look through the lens of Gods word and discern the days we are living in.We must trust that In all things God is working for the good of those that love him and are called according to his purpose and follow His Word and will with Godly fear and wisdom that comes through a committed and ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Through Joseph and Mary we get a picture of complete trust and obedience that God is asking of His people in the days leading to the Return of Christ Blog By Glenn Garcia  Glenn and wife Joey are active Members of New Hope Ministries ( in metro Denver where Glenn serves as a chaplain with the Royal Rangers and Mens Rehab home  and Joey is involved in womens and child care ministries.Their daughter Mariah serves on the youth worship team  and son Glenn is a discovery ranger with the Royal Rangers. They also own and operate a complete online christian store where every sale helps to equip believers and reach the lost more

By December 21, 2013

Questions Answers

Upon hearing about tragedy shaking another community today there is always the one word question Why? followed by another one word question Again? I address these to no one in particular and then immediately to God. Today answers came almost as quickly His answer to why is "What does it help anyone for you to know" and to the question again a simple "Yes". As I've grown in my relationship with the Lord I understand that these are not at all vague or harsh answers. They also are not answers for everyone but if you read this maybe they are your answer or at least help you get to your answer. Apostle Paul writes "And this I pray,that your love may abound still more and more in all knowledge and all discernment" Philippians 1:9 As I hear this verse and recall today's events I understand I already know enough to help. I discern the hand of a flailing enemy grabbing hold of any area group or individual that he can. And that Gods love has ignited an intensity in me that I plan to take to prayer until the Lord returns. Prayer allows God to use me to fight his battle here where words to a victim or family member may comfort or not even be heard. Prayer puts God in the situation and brings eternal results. So tonight I pray that God will give peace and strength that those affected need,and that those he is calling to pray and fast will heed his call. In Jesus name more

By December 13, 2013

Jesus was done with that temple

Then as He went out of the temple, one of His disciples said to him "Teacher see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!" And Jesus answered and said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down" Mark 13:1,2 NKJV  This exchange takes place right before Jesus begins to speak and teach on what lies ahead more specifically the end of the age. This disciple was admiring the temple a magnificent work that that was ordained by God and expressing to Jesus the beauty of this building.  Jesus instead of glorying in the past or what was even right in front of them quickly warns of coming destruction of this temple and in this gospel goes on to teach of what is to come. While God had ordained the building of this temple its time in Gods use was coming to an end. God was preparing to pour out his Spirit into believers that would themselves be the temple of the Holy Spirit. While man couldn't imagine what good would come from a destroyed temple. God knew the beauty and use of the temple to come. Many in the body of Christ today get stuck admiring what God has built in our lives and we make these past accomplishments temples. Yes God has done the work and it is for His glory and He is familiar with His work so there is no way we can surprise or impress him with His handiwork.There comes a time when we must move with God into the next season and let the next work be his work "Unless the Lord builds the house,They labor in vain who build it ;Unless the Lord guards the city,The watchman stays awake in vain" Psalms 127;1  Just as the world is growing in its bold rejection of Gods council protection and blessing. We are to be growing in the grace and knowledge of who he is in our lives and spreading the fragrance of this ongoing relationship with Jesus in every place. "Therefore we do not lose heart.Even though our outward man is perishing,yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16 NKJV  Today I pray Lord give us your vision to look at what lies ahead and and let you do what you desire to do with us today and that you would strengthen and renew us inwardly In Jesus name amen   Blog by Glenn Garcia Royal Ranger Chaplain New Hope Ministries  Glenn&Joey; Garcia are active members of New Hope Ministries in Lakewood Co and are available for prayer and to minister to groups and individuals contact by phone 7207750726 or email and operate  online Christian store you can learn more about how Christ has transformed their lives by clicking the link to the blog below more

By December 11, 2013

A reason to grow

I have been told in my line of work that when you are done learning go home. This is for safety purposes because once you know it all you become complacent which is dangerous to yourself and others. Furthermore one in our trade will never truly know it all due to constantly advancing technology,materials and building codes. There will always be more to learn. This is also true in our spiritual walk with God. Peter warns us in his epistle to "Be sober, be vigilant;because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion,seeking whom he may devour" 1 Peter 5:8 complacency or even confidence in past experiences or encounters can lead to spiritual dullness which is a dangerous place for a Christian. We are called into a relationship with Jesus and though Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever there is always more of him to know and we are instructed to"Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ". Leviticus 6:13 says"A fire shall always be burning on the altar;it shall never go out" Today we can keep Gods fire burning within us through prayer fasting the study of his Word and repentance. God is a consuming fire and as his fire burns within us he will consume the things that hinder our walk with Him we will learn more Him and his purpose for our lives. And we are blessed with a burning desire to see his will done in our lives families and cities.So keep the fire burning always and let zeal for the kingdom of God flow from you Blog by Glenn Garcia. Glenn and wife Joey operate a complete online Christian store that helps them to equip believers and reach the lost. They are also on Facebook at more

By November 21, 2013

Children need direction Where will it come from? ( Kids Bible)

Today's children are being bombarded by images lyrics and pressures that are leading them to confusion and darkness. Gods word tells us "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;Who put darkness for light and light for darkness;Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20 NKJV . And that is exactly what is happening in this society of hypersexuality, lawlessness, and rejection of long held standards of conduct. Children need to be taught the never changing Truth of Gods word or they will easily fall into the trap of compromise and sin. Deuteronomy chapter 6 instructs us to teach our children Gods word. Train up your child in the ways of the Lord and when they encounter temptation they will have the tools to make the right decisions. I recommend a childrens bible and perhaps a daily devotional book to help apply biblical principals to the daily lives of our children.  Many childrens bibles and devotional books are available on our website I have also included a link to the God Watches Over Me bible that is a great value and great gift for boys or girls. As well as a link to some of our childrens devotions                                                                             Blog by Glenn Garcia  Glenn is a Royal Ranger chaplain and also teaches mens bible study @ New Hope Ministries in Lakewood Co along with wife Joey and their children operate  complete online Christian store Where every sale helps equip believers and reach the lost. For more information or to submit prayer requests Call or text 7207750726 more

By November 09, 2013

Intercession Why we must pray for others even when we have troubles

  Today at work I was under the weather not on top of my game. As I went about my day it was for the most part uneventful and my performance was satisfactory. But towards the end of the day I and a coworker were given the difficult and dangerous task of unloading truck with extremely large and awkward lengths of pipe one wrong move could have caused serious damage,injury and possibly death. My coworkers life was in my hands. As we completed the task successfully. I had realized that I forgot my aches and pains because I was focused on keeping my coworker safe and out of harms way. I came to the understanding that the danger we faced was real and my complete focus was needed while doing this task. As Christians we must understand that those without Jesus are also in real danger and that our focus and persistence are needed to breakthrough and win the spiritual battle for their souls. Furthermore we forget our troubles when we come into agreement with heaven and focus on the needs of others. When we come to the Throne of Grace we are blessed with God in our midst which brings fullness of joy understanding peace and blessing. For more information on prayer and intercession Check out Penetrating  Darkness By Pastor Jack Hayford or many other great books on prayer available at here every purchase helps us equip believers and reach the lost. Thank You and God Bless more

By September 30, 2013

Feeling tired weak and tempted?

 Are you feeling tired, lonely, weak, tempted or any other type of affliction that we all face from time to time.We all have our moments of trial and testing. Even David the giant slayer and king felt this way at times. The Bible tells us  In the day when I cried out, you answered me And made me bold with strength in my soul  (Psalm 138:3) NKJV  These are the words of King David to the Lord during a time of distress. David knew that crying out to God who hears every word we speak was much more profitable than complaining to man. And David knew how to hear Gods answer because he had an ongoing relationship with God. God created us all to be in fellowship with him. But many time we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and neglect our time with Jesus. This is why the best time to spend time with God is early before anything else can get in the way. David knew that God was his strength and sought him early. A great way to start yourself off on the right track is to start your day with prayer and a good devotional reading. I personally will read Gods Word. The New Spirit Filled Life Bible New King James Version is one I read often during morning devotion. Sometimes I will also read daily devotions out of The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall this book is a timeless classic that blessed many great men and women of God in their pursuit of Jesus and his strength in  our walk. You can find The New Spirit Filled Life Bible, The Christian in Complete Armour By William Gurnall and many other Bibles, Christian books and devotionals as well as books on prayer, fasting and Christian life  Your complete online Christian store. You may also submit prayer requests  by email or call or text 7207750726 more

By September 17, 2013

Understanding Gods Word (The Bible)

Understanding the Bible and its application in our daily lives can be an easy task with the right tools. First we must understand it is a spiritual book full of literal and spiritual truths and that God desires to speak to you through his Word. So we can go to him for understanding Psalm 119:18 says Open my eyes that I may behold the wonderous things in your law. 1John 2:27 tells us that The anointing (his presence his spirit) will teach us. Next we need a bible that we can understand. While the King James version is the most common the language can be intimidating. One version I use is the New King James Version(NKJV).But there are many other versions available.  Furthermore I would recommend a good study bible such as the NKJV Life Application study bible or NKJV New Spirit-Filled Life Bible Which are both available online at a great price. And last of all like any skilled worker you must use your tools so open up the word and start buliding yourself up in Gods living and enduring Word. more

By September 13, 2013

Why All-4-Christ for us, Why Christ for you?

All-4-Christ is the name we have chosen because after years of chasing what we were missing in our lives we have found that Jesus Christ is The Answer. This is a family ministry which is made up of Me my wife our 2 daughters and son . Just 3 short years ago  we were being torn apart by alcoholism addiction depression confusion and so much more. Finally in Feb. of 2011 we were dealt a blow that took us to yet another low point in our lives. I Glenn Garcia was arrested for DUI and facing  prison time. With nowhere to turn for real help we turned to God. I entered the mens rehabilitation home @ Center of Hope an affiliate of New Hope Ministries in Lakewood Co. Since entering and completing the program my life has  been totally transformed. And the peace and blessing of God is upon my household. As the head of my household I was leading my family down the path of destruction. Though they were not Directly involved in my sin I allowed darkness and deception into my house.The word of God tells us in Deuteronomy30:19  "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life ,that both you and your descendants may live".  The choices we make not only affect ourselves but our families and those around us. And this is what went on in my household until we gave our lives to Jesus. Since that time we have continued to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus as individuals and as a family.(I invite you to watch the video testimony of my daughter Mariah on!__youth/media ) My family and I are dedicated to being the light in a dark world and to sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth is we were created by God to have a relationship with him, and without him we end up with a part of ourselves that is empty. If you or someone you know is going  through difficult times It is time to turn your life over to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or would like to submit a prayer request please contact us By  through our  or you can text or call (720)7750726.    We also sell Christian Tshirts so you can support ministry and show your faith with these cool shirts you can get more info on our website. more

By September 27, 2012

Evanston UMC is here with you to serve the community people

We have something for you to think about and contact us 1. Do you know anyyouth membersaround your life who would like to spend time in a safe place with good kids around them? We have a good-hearted Christian youth group under the trustworthy and energetic youth leaders. Would you like to invite them to join our youth activities and Sunday School? 2. Do you know any rich and good-hearted people who could help our church in helpingrefugee (Ethiopian) and immigrant (Eritrean) family membersfrom Africa to settle their life safely here in our community? Teaching English or/and helping with their rent money will be greatly helpful. 3. We need a computer-sabby part-time secretary in our church office. 4. We offer alabrynth walkto the community on every First Wednesday each month during 9:00am-8:00pm. It is a large size, indoor labrynth our church people made to use inside of our quiet and cozy looking sanctuary. Come and try. There is no charge for this. Looking forward to hearing from you! Pastor Yvonne more

By Evanston United Methodist Church September 27, 2006

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Now Faith Christian Center Church


By MarkBonner

Watch your wallet with them, they have put unauthorized charges on church member's credit cards. more

Montbello Catholic Parish Church of The Ascension


By Anonymous

A que edad es permitido por la iglesia casarse? more


By all4christstore

Over 300,000 products including Bibles Books church supplies Christian apparel jewelry and much more also available to minister to groups and individuals. Prayer requests always accepted. more

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