Blogs from Abuse Treatment Services in Santa Rosa, CA

Clean and Sober Living at its Best

Slater Street provides clean and sober living to men and women who are earnestly seeking recovery. We operate 3 women and 2 mens homes in near the Santa Rosa Junior College, within walking distance of downtown, several malls, Safeway, public transportation and many AA/NA meetings. more

By Slater Street SLE January 27, 2016

Psychological Trauma can be eased by connecting to others!

How do you overcome the harmful effects of trauma?  The degree that you have social supports is critical.  Take a look at the latest research: Social support is the single most protective factor guarding against PTSD following trauma exposure(Jackson et al., 2007; Kross et al., 2008). Generally speaking, all forms of social support are at least somewhat helpful, but “tangible” support, more so than “emotional” support, is the most protective(Glass et al., 2007). Tangible support consists of concrete steps taken to help the trauma sufferer. Examples of tangible support include: practical help and assistance with needs and coping, connecting with a number of friends or family members following a trauma, assistance with daily tasks, a safe place to live free of stressors, access to proper medical and psychiatric care, etc. Glass and associates (2007) studiedlifetime exposure to traumatic stressors in women. Those with lower social support were more likely to report PTSD symptoms. Tangible support, not emotional support, moderated the relationship between lifetime trauma and PTSD: greater tangible support was linked to reductions in PTSD incidence. Conversely, lack of social support was associated with large increases in PTSD rates.  Also how a person views a trauma and its repercussions play an important role.   For more information more

By Eric Ryan Ph.D. May 17, 2011

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