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Equine Colic Relief

Equine Colic Relief

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About Equine Colic Relief

Equine Colic Relief aka (ECR) was developed from an original 1818 physicians recipe that produced a 2 ounce liquid formula.
That orally administered in one dose enters through the soft pallet of the mouth into the bloodstream. There performing 4 processes to within 10-30 minutes eliminate human impactions from within the bowel.

In 1995, the future developer of the ECR formula, while searching for a
means to save her life. Found this recipe in a book titled, The 1879
physicians collection of recipes for formulas.

How it found its way into the book was noted in 1834, by a doctor when this formula had proved for 10 years to eliminate bowel impactions in 10-30 minutes in his patients, family & himself.

The recipe she found had produced a formula she daily uses to successfully to eliminate the bowel impactions, she still suffers from .
Her enhancement of adding ingredients to increase potency was based on her expertise in developing natural formulas & by doubling it to a 4oz. liquid dose balanced the human to equine size ratio.

First testing it that year on her gut impacted colt.
Orally given & drawn into the bloodstream its 4 processes in harmonious union had:

1. Reduced the impaction & entire abdominal tract contents to soft non cohesive matter.

2. Restored fluidity within the tract by drawing the necessary excess liquid from the abdominal cavity.

3. Replenished dried Ionics within the muscle wall to a liquid state & restored bilateral, abdominal tract motility (movement)

4. Relieved painful distention within the abdomen dispersed gas molecules & freed the blood supply to crushed & painful adjoining organs.

Within 42 minutes after abdominal activity was restored. The colt was mentally alert, hungry, thirsty, with no signs of pain as the softened contents within the abdominal tract is passed with dispersed gases.
Effortlessly restoring the colt to continue his life as if his colic impaction never occurred!

The formula during a 1996-1999, Oxford study on 720 equines, on 40 horse breed farms, in 33 veterinarian clinics & 3 zoos in 4 foreign countries & the US.
During all 152 colic performances the formula ended each case as it did when restoring the colt in 1995, as if the subject never had a colic impaction.
For this fact the152 care givers in consistency, efficiency & safety rated the formula at 99.998%.
Placing the formula in performance as #132 out of the 3,000 + of perfectly balanced formulas in 1999.

Testing is meant to reveal any performance flaws so we asked the vet who took 2 points off, what was the problem.
" Your set time factors of 10-30 minutes did not apply with 2 horses that presented badly distended.
Each took 15 minutes longer to reach the 1st phase of restoration so I removed 1 point for each horse.

Thus from our 1st instruction sheet in 1999, that comes with a bottle of ECR, we state "call a vet if you see no signs of recovery in 10-45 minutes" to assure the 1st phase of ECR restoration includes the badly distended, as well.

In 1999, our formula received from ENS, laboratory a 100% bloodstream absorption rating.
Their inside testing was based partly on procedural outlining of our prior 3 year study.
Rating on absorption besides time factors for efficiency, consistency & safety.
Put our formula in a Global scientific journal that honored it as the 3rd perfect performance formula of 1999.
In turn ENS told us without its recipe the formula can not be duplicated by even the most detailed & sophisticated analysis.

With these accolades & sureties in place before we sold the 1st bottle of ECR.
Its formula continues to remain, unique & one of kind, though others try to fool the public with saturation advertising for untested products.

For 15 yrs. ECR formula has World Wide yearly brought Salvation to our clients countless horses dying with colic!

The natural ingredients in our formula are each FDA approved for human & animal consumption to be eaten or swallowed.

Classified like vitamins as a nutraceutical, ECR is harmless per dose to even the most allergic equine. For there is not enough in any one ingredient to cause even the slightest reaction.

How could the;
Natural Oil of Peppermint, a dab of Molasses to flavor, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, Vegetable Glycerine, Sorbitol to sweeten, Potassium,
Baltic Irish Sea Moss, Baltic Deep Sea Kelp, Magnesium & Purified Water.
Do anything but astound you as it saves your horse from dying with colic!

Owners of hypp positive horses:
A bottle of formula contains less than .03 grams of potassium

ECR for 15 years if used to end colic or as a colonic cleanse has never showed up in hair, blood & tissue samples taken from these winners & champions.

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Photos for Equine Colic Relief

ecr new zealand by Equine Colic Relief

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ecr ireland by Equine Colic Relief

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Messages for Equine Colic Relief

My friend used ECR and me and her watched a mare near to death, badly distended, with no bowel sounds and gray gums in 50 minutes she was fine and her bout eneded! Tell me more about ECR Sue

By sue battles on August 03, 2009

Sue, Everything you need to know about ECR is found on their website at www.equinecolicrelief.net It is an awesome product I agree! Mary

December 18, 2009

How much does a bottle of ECR cost? How long is the shelf life?

By Robbie Salzbrenner on March 28, 2009

A bottle of ECR is sold through 2 souces. If there is not a Distributorship Business Owner in your State it is sold wholesale through 53 Representative Business owner @1-877-363-2688. Before they can sell ECR to you, they must 1st determine if there is a a Distributorship Owner, if there is one in your state, they will supply their number to you and you must buy from them Retail. Shelf Life None of the natural ingredients in ECR is perishable From when the formula in ECR was tested from 1996- 1999 till to date it has never failed to stop a normal bout of colic. Before testing the lab froze to 32 degrees, then heated to 135 degrees, 2 complete sets of the 4 parts of ingredients making up the formula. They then placed the 4 parts into 4 bottles. Then sent out the 2 sets as a 8 bottle set to the 8 farms the formula was tested on. Each of the 4 bottle sets, carried a code, each was used to stop a bout and performed sucessfully by stoping 2 bouts. There is more about this on the website. From 1997 to 2009, makes the shelf life of ECR 12 years to date. However the soft plastic bottle ECR comes in, must not be frozen or over heated or it can crack or contort. We suggest you never put ECR in a refrigerator or leave it out in heat, keep it in a cool dry place in your home or barn. Mary Cole

December 18, 2009
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