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Where to Find Training to Become a Locksmith

If you are interested in a career as a locksmith, you will need to have training that will prepare you for the many job tasks that a locksmith performs. You will first need to decide which type of locksmith you are interested in becoming. Then you can choose an appropriate training program that will prepare you for a job in the field.

Training Courses

If you are interested in taking classes that will teach you the basics about becoming a locksmith such as the tools used and the proper procedures involved in the job you may want to consider taking a locksmith course at a local vocational school. They will teach you the basic tasks such as changing out and re-keying a lock as well as how to deal with auto lock-outs. A standard vocational locksmith program is typically between six and twelve months depending on if you attend full-time or part-time classes. You will be provided with a certificate that shows you are certified in the field which will make it much easier to get a job with a locksmith business.

On the Job Training

If you do not want to take training classes, you can also take part in on-the-job training. Many locksmith companies are willing to hire on a novice locksmith as an apprentice and then teach them the tricks of the trade as you go. If you learn best through hands-on experience you may want to consider this option. A locksmith is a tradesman by profession and in the trades you have the ability to work your way up the chain of command through hard work and time on the job. Be prepared to start at the bottom, and take advantage of the education that you will be provided while still earning a living as a locksmith apprentice.

Types of Locksmiths

There are different types of locksmiths for different types of jobs. Industrial locksmiths work with big industrial-sized buildings providing security options and dealing with problems that they may have with their current security systems. Commercial locksmiths usually work with businesses such as a school or office. They are trained to work on the types of security that are commonly used in an office environment such as keyless entry. If you do not mind being on-call 24 hours a day you may want to consider going into the emergency locksmith field. These locksmiths provide emergency services to people who become locked out of their car or home at any time of the day or night.