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What is Alpha Math Tutoring?

Math is a difficult subject to tackle. Kids are much better at abstract thinking, and concrete concepts in math can be hard for anyone, especially a child, to learn. Alpha math tutoring assigns letters along with the numbers to create concepts that may be easier for children to grasp.


Math can be one of the most difficult things to learn for children. This is why alpha math has become so popular. This is a way to teach math where a child can have a better understanding of it.  You will combine letters and numbers together in mathematics to make it easier for the child to understand.

Letters and Numbers

You will assign each letter of the alphabet with a number. This means that A will equal one and B will equal two and it will continue through the rest of the alphabet. The tutoring will typically begin by the teacher allowing the student to have some fun with the math by letting them calculate their name. They can then move on to family members, friends and even pets.

Making it a Game

The child can get a game going by seeing whose name has the highest calculation. They can also compete with each other by trying to think of words that are worth the most. When a child has the ability to have fun with numbers math will come to them a lot easier.


When it comes to math, one of the most basic things you can teach a child is adding and then subtracting. Once they have this down, it can make the rest of the math come to them a little easier. They can add up different words and sentences until they can add in their head any combination of numbers. They will fear math less when they become good at it.