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Types of Reading Literacy Games

Literacy games are great to help improve spelling, grammar and language skills for all ages. These games promote healthy competition and fun while educating students. Most students will have so much fun playing these games that they won't realize they are learning at the same time.


Flashcards are good for any age or reading level. For younger students use flash cards to have them tell you what word is on the card. Older students can tell you the definition of the word on the card. This is a good game for weekly spelling words and teachers can add cards each week to increase variety and difficulty. Play this game in a small group of students and give each student the card they answer correctly. When all the cards are gone have the students count how many cards they have and give a small prize like a piece of candy to the winner.

Word searches

Students can learn how to spell by doing word searches. There are programs online that allow you to type in the words to be searched and will create a word search for you. You can even change the difficulty if the students are older. 

Crossword puzzles

Crossword puzzles can use examples such as definitions or sentences from reading books as clues. This can be a game for the entire class and the first few students to complete their crossword can get a prize.


Have the students stand in a circle. The instructor can give out a spelling word and then the student to their left can begin spelling the word. Each students gives a letter to the word until the word has been spelled, if someone gets a letter wrong have them sit down. Keep going until there is a winner.