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Types of Products for Damaged Hair

Having a glorious head of hair is something many women in the world pine for. Unfortunately, not all women can achieve it without a lot of work. Damaged hair may be the one thing standing between them and soft, shiny locks. Damage occurs from hot curling irons, styling products and everyday stress. Fortunately, there are many types of products that provide damage control.


  • Conditioner is the best product for damaged tresses. It is designed to smooth, moisturize and protect hair. It is usually applied right after a shampoo, but can be used in between washes as well.

  • Most conditioners have protein, amino acids and other beneficial ingredients. However, the best products have a creamy consistency and are not clear. In order to reduce damaged hair, try conditioning once or twice a week.

Hot Oil Treatments

  • Bringing hair back to life when it's severely damaged is fixed by hot oil treatments. This relatively inexpensive product is heated in hot water for a few minutes and then applied to the entire head, making sure every hair strand is completely covered.

  • Hot oil treatments provide the best results when applied on a weekly basis. But some women find monthly treatments work just as well.

Hair Mask

  • Hair masks are deep conditioners. They are much thicker than regular conditioner and usually a bit more expensive. They are applied for 15 to 30 minutes with a hot towel for best results. Damaged hair is replaced with softer, more manageable hair. Consumers should read the instructions carefully to avoid over conditioning their hair, which leaves a greasy, stringy look.

Moisturing Shampoo

  • Not all shampoos are made the same. The best shampoo for damaged hair is one with moisturizing ingredients. They are creamy and do not have harsh cleansers. However, be wary of products that claim to be good for damaged hair. Many of the well-known brands have silicones and other chemicals that dry out hair and make the problem worse.

  • The best way to avoid damaging hair's texture and the ends is to eat healthy fruits and vegetables. Avoid excessively washing the hair, and try to use a satin or silk pillow case to prevent breakage during the night.