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Types of Natural Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety can be a crippling disease, often interfering in the daily lives of anxiety sufferers. Many anxiety sufferers would rather manage the symptoms on their own instead of taking medication that may affect their moods or personality. There are many natural anxiety treatment options.

  • Massage therapy is an effective natural anxiety healing therapy. Massage can help release tension in the muscles, which may contribute to anxiety attacks. Massage therapy may also release toxins from the muscles and help the blood flow to certain areas of your body.

  • Yoga and exercise can be an effective way to naturally treat your anxiety. Many yoga classes open and close with controlled breathing exercises. Talking to the instructor after class about your anxiety may help them to provide you further breathing exercises to try on your own. Exercise is known to release good chemicals into your body, thus enhancing your mood.

  • Aromatherapy can help relieve tension. Aromatherapy involves using scented oils, lighting candles and burning incense. The scent is thought to relax the person being treated. Aromatherapy is often used in conjunction with other anxiety therapies. Common scents are lavender and peppermint, both thought to relax and energize the body.

  • Proper nutrition is thought to help anxiety disorders. Changing your diet and eating right can help overcome anxiety that may stem from improper nutrition. Make sure you are getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals in your diet. For example, Vitamin B12 can provide you with energy throughout the day.