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The Ugly Truth About Starting a Business

The ugly truth about starting a business is that it is work; plain and simple. Many things come as surprises to new business owners, such as money and hours involved. Starting your own business is a great idea if you have the determination and willingness to put in the hard work required.

The idea of becoming your own boss is extremely appealing to everyone. You can work from home, work only a few hours and make lots of money. Sounds simple enough, but what most first time business owners do not see in their dream of business ownership is the hard work and time it takes to earn a profit.

  • Money is probably the first ugly side to starting a business. The old saying you have to spend it to make it, is true if you want a brick and mortar business. There are some ways to make money with no upfront cost, but you are generally relying on getting jobs as an independent contractor.  As a business owner who puts out money to start out, you should not expect to see a return on that investment for at least two years. It can take three years or more to generate an income, in a good economy.

  • Time involved is another downside. Sure, you can make your own hours, but are your preferred hours convenient for your clientele? Odds are they will not be. Being your own boss will require you to work late and open early. You will find yourself working your business 24/7 in the first few years.

  • If you have the will and determination, you can make it. You have to understand that the road to success is hard work and sweat. If you can toss out the fantasy side of owning a business and accept the reality of what being a business owner means, then go for it. If you still feel that there is no downside to being a business owner, do yourself a favor and talk with other business owners. Ask them what their first years were like.