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The Social Impact of Science and Technology

Science and technology have made our world much smaller than it once was. It's now possible to communicate with family and friends across the country or even somewhere else in the world right from your computer. However, there are concerns about what is missing in this type of communication and the impact it has on us.

Bringing us Closer Together

Technology has enabled us to connect with others on a grand scale as not seen before. Even social web sites such as Facebook have sprung up that allow us to let everyone who is on our "Friends" list know what we are doing and post pictures documenting our daily lives at any given time.

Tearing Us Apart

Facebook has gained some enemies despite having the ability to allow us to share with each other however. The element missing from much of our technology is the face-to-face element. Without it, much of the subtle information taken in during social exchanges is missing. Compounding the problem, people tend to say things they normally would not because of this.

The fact that social sites enable us to connect with others in private has led to disruption in relationships when married or otherwise involved individuals meet others online and a romantic relationship develops that would not have had the opportunity to do so otherwise. Online communications are hidden, leaving an unknowing partner.

Science and Mother Nature

New developments in science allow us to do things in genetic engineering that were not possible before. And not everyone is convinced that messing with Mother Nature is a good thing. Nadya Suleman, known as "Octomom," is probably a good example of science run amuck.  For women who are having trouble conceiving, science offers a potential answer, but the consequences may have an undesirable result.