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The Best Tax Filing Programs

Depending on one's employment and financial situation, the process of filing taxes can either be relatively simple or complex and headache inducing. To help ease the stress of proper calculation and bookkeeping, many people opt to use a tax filing program to properly compute their annual taxes.

TaxACT Deluxe

There is a reason this software is very popular all around: it is easy to use for people with relatively uncomplicated and straightforward tax returns. It is comparatively inexpensive and offers premium features, even offering FAFSA worksheets. This can be helpful for families in which the tax return figures need to be used for filing an application with FAFSA.


TurboTax is produced by the company Intuit and is consistently thought to be one of the top software programs to use for tax filing online. Compared to the other popular tax programs, TurboTax offers the most features. The program offers easy-to-use input spreadsheets. From the information you provide, the software will quickly perform the necessary computations required of a tax return. 

Tax Brain

Data entry screens that use a forms style spreadsheet make Tax Brain an easy option, as opposed to programs like TurboTax or H&R Block At Home which use an interview-style screen. Many find the style used in Tax Brain more straightforward and quicker to work with. Again, this is an ideal choice for those with uncomplicated, simple tax returns with few issues and deductions.

eSmart Tax

eSmart Tax won the Reader's Choice Award for the best tax preparation software on the About website. Though it features an interview-style interface - unlike the Tax Brain style - it is easy to use. The program can tailor the questions based on your unique situation to ask only the questions that pertain to you and your financial situation.

H&R Block At Home

H&R Block At Home has recently updated their interface to make user application even quicker and easier. The data screens are easier to read. The major bonus of using H&R Block's software program is that they offer their trademark "Worry-Free Audit Support" as an automatic part of the software, ensuring the user will receive professional tax help in defending the tax return in the event of an audit from the IRS.