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What Is an Endoscope?

The Advantages & Disadvantages of an Endoscope

At times, doctors may use certain devices to diagnose conditions of the body. The endoscope is one type of medical device that performs a number of diagnostic procedures. Physicians place the endoscope into an incision or other opening of the body. Although this device is important to treatment, it has both advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages of using an endoscope are numerous. Physicians often use this technique over magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography scans due to its ability to reach difficult places. The advantages are:

  • Diagnosed conditions: Doctors diagnose conditions faster in endoscopy procedures than they would with a manual patient examination.

  • Locates damage: Endoscopy locates the damage a condition has caused to other areas of the body.

  • Easier biopsies: A biopsy is a procedure that removes a small section of tissue for examination under a microscope. Doctors utilize an endoscope in this case for easier tissue removal in the lungs, intestinal tract and other areas of the body that may have cancer. When doctors use endoscopy, the option to use a more invasive surgery is eliminated.

  • Surgery assistance: When surgery is the only option available, an endoscope can help tremendously with the procedure. 


The disadvantages of using endoscopy are:

  • Infection: An infection may occur in the entry site or area the doctor uses it in. 

  • Tears: Tissue may be damaged or torn as the endoscope enters or travels along the body. These problems can be fixed without invasive surgery.

  • Bleeding: Excessive bleeding may be a problem, but is a rare occurrence.

  • Pain: Patients may feel pain after the procedure. Pain medication can remedy this disadvantage.

  • Redness, swelling and fever: These are all signs of an inflammation. These complications arise after the procedure and must be reported immediately to the physician.