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Science Projects About Botany

Botany is the study of plants and their environment. This is one the most popular areas of study for science fair projects. Usually, these experiments require few supplies, and they make a perfect introduction to the scientific method for young students. As a result of the broad nature of this field of study, there are an almost endless number of possible science fair projects. However, these are a few of the most common projects. 


The Importance of Soil

Most people assume that plants require soil to grow. However, advances in fertilizer and growing mediums have reduced the role of using soil as a growing medium. A good project is to create an experiment that tests the efficiency of several different growing mediums. To perform this experiment, grow the same species of plant in a variety of growing mediums to test how effectively each medium supports the plant. However, one plant will need to grow in soil for comparison with the results of the soil less mediums.

Audio Stimulation

It is a common belief that singing to plants will help them to grow better. For this experiment, the student will grow two plants. One will be exposed to audio stimulation for a certain amount of time each day. The other plant will not receive any audio stimulation. Every day, the growth of the two plants should be recorded, and at the end of the experiment, the two results should be compared.

Fertilizer Efficiency

Fertilizer is one the most important growing aids that farmers use. However, each grower has their own preference for which type of fertilizer to use. For this experiment, the student should grow several plants, and use different types of fertilizer for each plant. Also, an additional plant should be grown, and this plant will not receive any fertilizer. This will make the process of comparing the results of the fertilizers scientifically valid.