Requirements for Physical Therapy Aide Education
Physical therapy aides begin as entry-level workings in the physical therapy field. Their primary job is to work under the direction of a licensed physical therapy, and assist her in the day-to-day operations of her practice. This may include preparing and cleaning clinic areas, completing paperwork, and assisting with patients who need to be moved. Education requirements for this work are minimal.
To be eligible to work as a physical therapy aide, a high school diploma is the only educational requirement. However, the job of a physical therapy aide can be require a certain level of skill to do well, and showing proficiency in these skills will help you stand out among other applicants. Utilizing volunteer work and self-learning, you can make yourself prepared for a physical therapy aide position by exploring a few areas of knowledge.
First of all, make sure you have a basic idea of quality customer service. This will allow you to deal effectively with patients in a physical therapy setting. A positive attitude and friendliness is one step toward providing good customer service. Beyond this, active listening and problem solving skills are essential to keep patients happy and solve any problems that will arise. These skills can be acquired by volunteering for an entry-level customer service job or taking a communication class at community college.
Beyond customer service, a basic understanding of the body's muscles, bones and other components will allow you to understand how physical therapy works. You can learn this by reading books on the subject or taking an anatomy and physiology class while in high school or at a community college once a high school diploma is obtained.