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Most Important Things You Should Know About Health Insurance Provided by the Government

In becoming educated on government provided health insurance, you can determine if you are eligible. In the event that you lose your job or have a significant decrease in income, you may need to apply for this insurance. The following are the most important things you should know about health insurance provided by the government.

  1. Your income is the first factor to determine eligibility. Providers such as Medicaid initially determine your eligibility based on your yearly income for the year prior to filing an application. However, they have the right to check your income level on a month to month basis to determine if you are still eligible.

  2. Your monthly expenses including: rent, heating, cooling, gas, electric, and food are used to determine eligibility. These insurance providers will deduct these monthly expenses from your gross monthly income. They will then use the difference to determine if you can afford to pay premiums for private insurance.

  3. If you own residential property, that is not your primary residence, you may be asked to sell it. Government provided health insurance requirements state that an eligible applicant cannot own property other than their primary residence.

  4. If the government insurance is used to cover minor children, the income of a stepparent is not included in determination. Only the income of the natural parent is used to determine eligibility.

  5. If you own a vehicle, that is not your primary vehicle, you will be asked to sell it. The guidelines pertain to vehicles over a specific value. Vehicles that are ten years or older are usually not included. However, it depends on the make, model, and potential value.

  6. The planned parenthood services provided by Medicaid do not include abortions. The services of this nature covered by Medicaid include: providing birth control (the pill, IUDs, and implants), checkups during and six weeks following pregnancy, and covers the cost of tubal ligations to prevent further pregnancies.

  7. Medicaid does cover all medical and dental costs for minor children. In some areas this includes the cost of braces.