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Items Checked During a Car Inspection

A car inspection is an excellent tool for a driver or potential car buyer. A car inspection is designed to determine if the automobile has any major problems or potential problems that the driver or buyer should know about. During the inspection, a certified mechanic will evaluate the major mechanical components of the automobile. 


An automobile's transmission can be one of the most expensive components of the car to repair or replace. Foreign made car owners will have no choice but to take the car to a dealer for repairs. During the inspections, the transmission's fluid levels will be evaluated. It will also be checked for any possible leaks. Lastly, the mechanic will determine if the transmission has sustained any major damage or has been rebuilt. 


The inspectors will also perform an evaluation for the entire engine. They will check the fluid levels of the engine. Primarily, this will entail checking the coolant and oil levels. However, the belts and spark plugs will also be evaluated. By inspecting these components, the mechanic will be able to determine the overall condition of the engine. If these components are in need of replacement or repair, then the engine as a whole is likely in poor condition. This means that large repair bills will likely to accrue quickly. 


The undercarriage contains the automobiles suspension and braking systems. Like the other mechanical components of the automobile, these items will be extremely expensive to replace. The inspector will evaluate these parts for the amount of wear that they have. In other words, if these components are in poor shape, then the automobile will likely need major undercarriage work.