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How to Sell Horse Manure

If you have a farm or numerous animals, you may be able to sell their manure to make some extra money. Many landscapers, plant nursery owners and greenhouse owners will pay top dollar for good quality manure that can be used to make their plants grow better.

  • Collect the manure daily. If the manure is left for a long time, it will gather dirt and debris and will not be as useful as it would be if it were fresh.

  • Pile the manure on high ground. For the manure to dry properly, it will need to drain. Do not pile the manure on a low area because water will collect and keep the manure damp.

  • Keep the manure outside in direct sunlight. Avoid piling it in a barn. The wind and sunlight will help age the manure and make it dry faster.

  • Shovel the manure often to keep it mixed. Move manure that is at the bottom and center of the pile to the top or outside so the wind and sun can dry it all evenly.

  • Contact local greenhouse, plant nursery or landscapers in your area to see whether they are interested in purchasing the manure. Allow them to come out and inspect the manure if they desire to do so. People are often selective about the type of manure they use.

  • Place an ad in your local newspaper advertising the manure you have for sale. Include information about how much manure is available, the price, location and your contact number.

  • Place a sign in your yard that says "Manure For Sale." Passersby will notice the sign and stop and inquire about the manure if they are interested in purchasing it.