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How to Stop Home Mail Delivery

How to Restore Mail Delivery

Anytime you go on an extended trip out of town or the country, you want to stop your mail so that nothing comes to your house that contains personal information that could be used to steal your identity or worse. When you come home, you will want to have your mail restored so that you get your mail sent to your home again. 

  1.  Visit your local post office where held mail is kept. Often times, this is a separate location from the regular post office where you can drop off and pick up mail as well as purchase things. You can also go online to the United States Postal Services website and cancel your hold request using their online form. 

  2.  Fill out the paper for canceling a current hold request. The post office will need your name, address, the date that you requested your mail be help as well as the date that you would like to have your mail delivery restored. 

  3. Hand the paper to a post office worker so that they can edit the information in their computer system. If you are choosing to do this online, fill out the form, not forgetting to include the full address and ZIP code of your mailing address. 

  4. You will be handed any mail that you have collected while your mail was being held. Wait two to three days for your mail to start returning to your home. If your mail doesn't start coming to your house again, call your local post office to enquire about the reason why. 

  5. Check your mail frequently as there may be too much for your mailbox.