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How to Repair a Projection TV

A projection television receives a small video image from an input signal and displays the image onto a larger viewing screen. Projection TVs are typically used for screens exceeding 50 inches in width. They generally require professional repair, but the owner can resolve some common problems.

Items Needed:

  • Coil magnet

  1. Troubleshoot a picture that is blurred or snowy. Locate the coaxial cable that carries the video signal from the video source to the projection TV. Ensure the cable connection to the TV is tight. Hold the end of the cable firmly between your thumb and index finger, and wiggle the cable back and forth. You may need a new cable if wiggling it changes the quality of the picture.

  2. Fix a projection TV screen with blotches of color. This often indicates the TV screen has been magnetized, usually when a source of magnetism is too close to the TV. Hold a strong coil magnet close to the screen over the blotches and move the magnet in small circles. Move the magnet away from the screen gradually to remove the blotches on the screen. It often requires experimentation to determine the specific movements you need to make with the magnet.

  3. Repair a projection TV that turns off by itself. This problem is typically caused by overheating. A projection TV has a thermostat that detects when the TV is overheating and turns the TV off as a protective measure. Resolve this problem by removing objects around the TV that may be causing it to retain heat.