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How to Publish Your Ebook

With the advent of online bookstores and e-readers, many writers are beginning to self-publish their stories in the form of e-books.  Self-publishing your e-book is as easy as writing and uploading it to the platform of your choice.  There are some online book stores that support several platforms, meaning your e-book will become available to millions of readers.

  1. Compose your e-book.  Take your time and do quality work.  The same standards of writing traditional books apply to e-books as well.  Excellent writing and storytelling is what will sell your book. 

  2. Edit your e-book once all writing is done.  Since you will not have a professional editor reviewing it, it is important to review and edit thoroughly.  Ask several friends and family members to read the book and give their input.  Keep an eye out for proper grammar and spelling while editing.

  3. Create an attractive cover design.  This is what shoppers will see first, and if the cover is not compelling your book will likely be passed over.  Looking through hundreds of books over the Internet is a daunting task, and you cover design need to catch readers’ eyes and encourage them to explore further.

  4. Choose what websites and bookstores you would like to sell your e-book.  This can on a specific platform, like the Amazon Kindle, or a bookstore.  Many online bookstores are compatible across several platforms, making them great places to sell your book.

  5. Upload your e-book through each website’s uploading system.  The instructions for each site will vary, but are generally easy to follow and only take a few minutes.  You can choose to upload your e-book to multiple sites to increase exposure.

  6. Set your price.  This will be asked of you during the upload process.  E-book pricing is extremely competitive, so you will probably need to set your price pretty low.  As your e-book gains in popularity, you may be able to increase its selling price.  Keep in mind that each website will take a certain percentage of your profits of each download sold.

  7. Create a synopsis of your e-book.  This is what the reader will be presented with when they click on it.  The synopsis is the equivalent to the summary on the inside of the cover on a traditional book.  Make it compelling and interesting, enticing readers to buy the book.