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How to Promote Pet Adoption on Facebook

Social media outlets, like Facebook, can be a way to promote the things that you are interested in. If you are interested in and passionate about pet adoption, you can promote it on Facebook and get others to take notice of this pressing issue.

Like Facebook Pages about Pet Adoption

You can search for pet adoption pages on Facebook and 'like' them. When you do, your friends, friends of your friends and anyone else that visits your Facebook page can see that you like these pet adoption pages. This will help promote the idea of pet adoption within your group of friends. You may help someone who never even thought about pet adoption to consider this option. 

Post News Stories about Pet Adoption on Your Wall

When you see a good news story about pet adoption, post a link to it on your wall. The article can be about a person who adopted a pet, statistics regarding pets that need homes, news about a local animal shelter or anything else that deals with pet adoption issues. Initiate discussion on these stories, so that they will show up on your friends' pages and anyone who visits their pages will see it too. You can also directly ask your friends to post the links to their walls.

Share Pet Adoption Experiences with Others on Facebook

You can find a community of people on Facebook who are passionate about pet adoptions. Sharing your experience and listening to others' experiences can help you form a bond with people who care about pet adoptions. As a community, it will be easier to promote this issue on Facebook and organize in other ways, such as by holding a fundraiser for a local animal shelter or picking a pet that needs to be adopted and actively trying to find it a home.