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How to Practice Putting in Contact Lenses

Very few people want glasses. Although they can make you appear more intelligent, they smudge easily, fog up in the weather and are annoying sitting on your nose. One solution to these problems is contact lenses. Contacts are applied directly to the eyes to correct their curvature, resulting in clear vision. Although it might be frightening at first to put something in your eye, a little practice can put you at ease.

  1. Begin putting your lenses in during the day when your optometrist’s office is open. If you run into any problems or have any questions, you can call them for help.

  2. Practice inserting your contact lenses in the bathroom, where there is lots of light and a mirror. Both enable you to see what you are doing much better.

  3. Wash your hands before handling your lenses. This is a good practice to get into before touching your eyes for any reason, reducing the risk of microbes or irritants getting in your eyes.

  4. Work with one contact lens at a time. Remove the lens from its package or lens case and squirt a little contact solution to moisten it.

  5. Ensure that the contact lens is not inside out before inserting it into your eye. If the edges curl out like a saucer, this is a good indication it is inverted. Flip the lens so that it has the proper orientation, with smooth edges curling upwards.

  6. Place the lens on the pointer finger of your dominant hand. Then using your other fingers and other hand, pull your upper and lower eyelids apart to open your eye wide.

  7. Position your finger (with the lens on it) over your cornea and gently touch the lens to your eye. You may have to reposition so it rests correctly on your eye.

  8. Blink slowly to ensure that the lens stays in your eye.

  9. Repeat the procedure for your other eye.

  10. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable with the process and can do it rather quickly.