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How to Potty Train a Labrador Puppy

How to Potty Train a Cocker Spaniel

Cocker spaniels are known for being independent and a little stubborn.  Potty training your cocker spaniel puppy requires time, patience and knowledge of basic dog training.  To avoid making mistakes that might be counterproductive, learn the steps you need to know to potty train your cocker spaniel puppy correctly.



  1. Decide if you want to use puppy training pads or if you want to teach your dog to go to the bathroom outside.  Cocker spaniels are very intelligent animals, so you don’t necessarily need to use training pads to transition to the outdoors.  You just need to be consistent with your training techniques, so the puppy understands what it needs to do.

  2. Choose a spot where your puppy should go to the bathroom.  Whether you are using puppy pads indoors or taking your puppy outside, it’s very important to pick a specific spot where you expect your puppy to go to the bathroom.  Put your puppy pad in the same spot in your home at all times, or choose a specific spot outside your home.

  3. Communicate with your puppy when it does something right or wrong.  Praise your puppy and reward it with treats when it goes to the bathroom in the designated area.  If your puppy has an accident, reprimand it gently.  Yelling will just scare it, so try not to raise your voice too much.

  4. Talk to the other members of your household about proper potty training.  All of you need to know when to reward your puppy and when to reprimand it.  It’s very important to have consistency during training to avoid confusing your puppy.