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How to Plan a Romantic Getaway

Think outside the box and learn how to plan a romantic getaway. Pick a location that will have activities your lover would enjoy. Plan your vacation around your partner's desires. Learn as much as you can about the location and plan ahead. Plan your romantic interludes. Pick a romantic spot to spend your nights. Let your romantic inspirations free.


  1. Think about your beloved’s likes and tastes. The secret to pulling of a truly romantic getaway is to show your loved one that you care about their desires. It may mean going somewhere or doing something that you ordinarily would not be interested in. You might be surprised in your partner’s reaction.

  2. Pick some locations that will have your lover’s interests. Ideally there should be something of interest to you as well. List the pros and cons of the locations based on what activities they offer or cost factors.

  3. Narrow down your list and pick a location. Get as much information about the place as you can. Send for brochures. To keep the event a secret, have them sent to a friend’s home.

  4. Research about the area. Take special note of any interesting places that would also be romantic. You can do online virtual tours on some travel websites.

  5. Plan a theme or mood. Try to make the trip fun for your loved one. Inject some times for romantic interludes. If your lover likes water sports or boating, plan a romantic picnic or a walk along a pier or beach.

  6. Choose a romantic location to spend your nights. This is where you can get the romance part in. Think out of the box and pick a place where you can have that romantic mood and environment. Bed and breakfasts may be the perfect choice. These places often cater to a guest’s special requests.

  7. Getaway and pull out all of your romantic inspirations. Be spontaneous.