How to Organize Toys
A lot of parents complain that there are toys all over their children's rooms. On the other hand, children often feel as though they don't have enough room for their toys. For this reason, you should take a few minutes to read through this article so that you can learn how to organize all of the toys in your child's room.
Whenever you are tired of having your child’s toys all over the place, you will want to learn how to organize these toys. The best way to go about doing this is by following these steps:
- Choose what type of toy holders you wish to use. There are lots of different ones that you can choose from, including: toy boxes, fabric totes, dressers and closet organizers. For instance, some rooms may not have any space left for a toy box or a dresser but there will be room left inside of the closet to store away more toys. Of course, you may also decide that you don't want your child in their closet by themselves so you would prefer to use a soft, fabric tote to store away toys inside of where your child won't get hurt. Take some time to look at all of these different choices and decide which one is right for you.
- The most frequently used toys should be kept where your children have easy access to them. This will make it easier for your children to clean up too.
- Toys that are not used frequently should be moved to a higher level with the goal being to remove them from the room once your child forgets about them.
- Keep small toys such as Matchbox cars, LEGO pieces and Barbie accessories in stackable Rubbermaid or Tupperware containers.
- Put those toys that your child hasn’t played with in a long time in a large garbage bag that you can place in a storage area. Leave them there for six months before giving them away or selling them on eBay.