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How to Get the Cheapest Internet Access at Home

Depending on your Internet usage, there are several options for internet service. Some are more expensive than others, but if you are in an area that is outside the city limits, you may be limited on the type of Internet service that you are eligible to receive.

  • Dial-up: This is the slowest service possible. Not only is it slower than DSL or cable Internet, it will interrupt your phone service unless you have a second line specifically to run your dial up service. If you do not use the Internet a lot, some companies such as NetZero will allow you to have dial-up Internet service for free. To do this, you can't use your internet more than a couple hours a day.

  • Cable: This Internet service is exactly as it sounds. It is delivered through the television cable cord and must be wired into the computer to work. It is rather limiting because you can't move your computer if you needed to because you must be able to plug into the computer at all times to receive service. An installer has to come to your home to install your cable Internet, making this one of the less desirable types of internet. There is a rage of speeds available at a range of prices, making this faster than dial-up internet. Cable Internet is also referred to as DSL.

  • T1: This service is often reserved for businesses or homes that have multiple computers. This was originally used as a high-speed alternative to cable Internet when it first came out, but is not considered a good source of internet for residential users.

  • Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi Internet is what you most commonly find when you go to the bookstore or coffee shop to use the Internet. It is often run off of a DSL or cable connections but works great. It is a little slow because of the mass amount of users that are able to use the service at once. Wi-Fi is also available on many residential Internet services as well. This just means that your computer will be able to connect wirelessly anywhere in the house.

  • Satellite: Satellite Internet is often very expensive. It is usually reserved for those that can't get any other type of service. Families and businesses that live in the woods or mountains can use satellite Internet and connect to the internet from a space satellite. This is expensive and many people opt not to use it because it is so expensive. It is also the fastest Internet that you can get mainly because very people use it.