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How to Get Jobs for Teens in Fast Food Restaurants

Many teenagers lack the employment experience to get a job. Most fast food restaurants are willing to hire teenagers and help them understand how the workforce operates. When applying for jobs, it is important to take the right steps to make you stand out as a quality candidate for the job.

  1. Dress in nice clothes and visit the restaurant in person to pick up an application. While there is no need for a suit and tie, you should wear clothing that isn't dirty, offensive or in bad repair. Ask a parent to help you pick out an outfit.

  2. Ask to speak with the manager when you visit the restaurant. Tell the manager you're looking for your first job, and that you're interested in working at his or her restaurant. Use this time to get to know the manager and answer any questions he or she may have.

  3. Fill out the application fully. Write as neatly as possible, and ask a friend or family member for help if you don't understand part of the application. If you've never had a job before, leave the work history blank. In the appropriate field on the application, explain to the manager that you've never had a job, but you're willing to work hard. Also include any responsibilities you have around the house or within a club or sports team.

  4. Ask a parent or friend for help with interview questions. Managers will often ask you what your strengths and weaknesses are. Practice these common questions so you can answer strongly during an interview.

  5. Call or visit the restaurant a few days after you turn in your application. This will let the manager know you are truly interested in the job.