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How to Get Charges Off Credit Reports

Your credit report contains current debt and payment history as well as past debt and payment history. Creditors provide this information to the credit bureaus and it is not always correct. These errors can affect your credit score. This article will instruct you on how to get charges off your credit reports.

How To Get Charges Off Credit Reports

  1. Pull your credit reports from each credit bureau. The credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Review the credit reports for any errors.

  2. Evaluate the credit report for things such as wrong dates, incorrect payment amounts, misspelling of your name, incorrect addresses, and variations of your social security number.

  3. Old derogatory entries are permitted in your credit history for 7 years from the date of the last activity. Derogatory entries can be removed.

  4. Highlight any errors and make copies of the credit reports that contain errors.

  5. Gather any documents that can prove that the reports were made in error.

  6. Write a letter to each credit bureau about the errors. Explain in detail why the information is incorrect.

  7. Mail the letter and any supporting documentation. Make sure you include a copy of your picture ID.

  8. Keep a copy of the information you are mailing.

  9. The credit bureau has 45 days to investigate your claim. You will be notified by mail of any information that has been removed from your credit report. They will also provide you with an updated credit report.