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Sports Medicine Careers

How to Find an Orthopedic Surgeon Shoulder Specialist

If you have sustained a shoulder injury, finding the right orthopedic surgeon to help with your recovery can be a challenge. You not only need an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in shoulder injuries, but someone you can trust. With a little time and research it is possible to find an orthopedic shoulder specialist to help you.

1. After your injury has been diagnosed by a general healthcare practicioner or at the hospital, ask for recommendations of an orthopaedic surgoen that specializes in shoulder-related injuries. 

2. Ask friends and family for recommendations. Although doctor recommendations are usually the best type, having one from someone you trust, who has been treated by them before, can lead you to a great doctor as well.

3. Browse online for surgeons in your area. Visit the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, or even your insurance's website, for a list. There you can also find which surgeons specialize in shoulder-related injuries. 

4. Compile a list of the doctors you have found online and been recommended by friends and other doctors. Then visit several different sites that have doctor reviews. One helpful site to visit is These sites have candid experience from former patients.

5. Narrow down you list to two or three doctors with positive reviews, then make a consultation with each one of them. Do not hesitate to ask a lot of questions during your appointment. Ultimately, you should then choose the doctor you feel most comfortable with and seems to have the best reputation as a doctor and a surgeon.