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How to Find Rag Quilt Patterns

No matter the skill level of the quilter, a rag quilt is the perfect way to use extra fabric laying around the house. It is a quick and easy way to gift someone special in a person's life without costing a fortune. Finding a pattern for a rag quilt is the first step towards making a great gift.

  • Determine who the rag quilt is for. If making the quilt for a child it may be smaller in size and require more of a square shape to it. If the quilt is meant for an adult it may be much larger. Most people love to enclose themselves under a blanket and not worry about their toes sticking out.

  • Decide how much detail the quilt will have. If the crafter wants to show a repeating pattern he or she may want to sketch an idea onto paper. It is a good way to put visual ideas onto paper to see a better understanding of the way the quilt will look. Something that may seem like a great idea in one's mind may not be easy to work with when working with the real material.

  • Research rag quilt patterns on the Internet and in various quilting books. Many patterns are available for free. Not only are there a great variety of patterns, there are also ideas that the crafter may not have thought of on their own. It is a good way to open up the possibilities of a rag quilt.

  • Find the material that is being used. Since a rag quilt can be made out of such a wide variety of materials, it is a good idea to plan ahead so one knows what they are working with. Denim will be different to handle than flannel and may require different stitching where as fleece often times requires no stitching at all.