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How to Learn Tricks From a Skate Video

How to Film a Skate Video

Filming a skate video can be a good way to showcase your skating talents. A skating video also allows you to see where you may need improvement in your skating skills. Skate videos are also good instructional tools for those who may be learning to skate.

  • Be careful where you aim the camera. The person filming the video should always be focused on the action. Sometimes the camera person may forget they're holding a camera and it results in shaky shots of the ground.

  • Make sure you are filming the entire move or trick. Only filming the first part of the trick can leave the audience wondering whether or not you successfully completed the trick. If you film only the last part of the trick, people who are trying to imitate you will have trouble understanding how the trick was performed. Make sure you show the entire move for your audience.

  • Film a cohesive piece. If you are filming a video to be watched by others, make sure it has a theme. Most skate videos are not scripted and do not have a story line, but there should still be some cohesion throughout the video so that viewers don't wonder what message you are trying to send.

  • Make sure everyone is safe. When filming a skate video, it can be easy for someone to want to show off, thus upping the chance for serious injury. Everyone should wear proper skate geat and only perform tricks within their abilities.