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How to Create a Basic Company Brochure

If you are a business owner looking for a great way to advertise the basics about your company as well as a short description of the products and services that your company provides a company brochure is a great way to do this. Creating a company brochure is quick, easy and cost effective.

  1. Microsoft Word and other word processing programs offer business owners an easy way to make your own company brochures from your home or business computer.

  2. Purchase and install a word processing program for your home or business computer.

  3. Browse through the existing templates to find one that will work well for the type of design that you would like to use for your business brochure.

  4. Choose a template that offers a threefold design, as this is the best type of design to use for a business brochure. These templates will offer you the ability to fill in the basic information about your company in a layout that is already predesigned for you.

  5. Purchase a good quality printing paper from your local office supply store in the quantity that you need for the printing job. This amount will vary depending on how many brochures you want to make.

  6. Highlight the name of your company on the front of the brochure so that it stands out from the rest of the brochure. It is best to use a font size that is slightly larger from the rest of the brochure, and a bold font in order to make the name of your company stand out.

  7. Add images and photos that are relevant to your company in the brochure in order to make your brochure stand out from the rest. Pictures are a great way to add visual interest to your company brochure.

  8. List the services that you offer and the fees associated with these services if applicable, along with the contact information for your business.

  9. Print out the desired number of copies of your business brochure in color using your home or business printer.

  10. Fold the company brochures into thirds to create the perfect trifold business brochure.