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How to Choose Hair Removal Wax

Waxing is a popular, if somewhat uncomfortable, form of hair removal. People who are familiar with this method appreciate the smooth and lasting results, but may not recognize that not all waxes are made the same. To get the best results with the least potential for problems, choose your hair removal wax wisely.

  1. Investigate all of your options. There are two basic types of hair removal wax that you can choose from - hard and soft. Soft waxes require the use of cloth strips for hair removal, while hard waxes are simply pulled off without the need for strips.

  2. Take your skin's condition into consideration. If you have sensitive skin, for example, look for a wax that is formulated for sensitive skin. Alternately, look for one that's made with natural ingredients.

  3. Consider choosing a hard wax when you're removing hair from the more sensitive areas on your body, such as the underarms or the bikini area.

  4. Read through the listed ingredients on the packaging before making a decision. Look for and then avoid anything that you have a known allergy to.

  5. Look to see what part of the body the wax is intended for. While some manufacturers make waxes that are suitable for use on all parts of your body, others may be made specifically for certain areas, such as the bikini area or face.

  6. Have an initial waxing done at a salon. Educate yourself by asking questions, such as what type of wax is being used and why. The technician who is doing the waxing may even recommend what type of wax you should use at home.