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How to Become a Community Health Administrator

Health care administrators or health services administrators, have different roles depending on what type of facility they are responsible for. They coordinate and supervise health care facilities and the employees. There are two types: generalists and specialists. Generalists manage the entire facility, whereas specialists are responsible for a specific area within a facility such as finance, human resources or marketing. Health care administrators are in charge of creating the procedures and policies in their facility.  

  1. Decide if health care administration is the right career path for you. Health care administrators organize financing, delivery of health services and determine business policies. You need to have good leadership and management skills, be organized, detail-oriented, and have good communication skills. You can work in a variety of facilities such as in a private practice, hospital, nursing homes and other health care facilities. 

  2. Obtain a high school diploma. While in high school take courses to ready yourself for the college classes you can expect. Suggested courses are economics, government, health education, English, accounting, sociology, psychology and computer courses.

  3. Earn your bachelor's degree. Most people major in business, human resources, marketing or accounting. 

  4. Consider pursuing your master’s degree in health care administration. Most positions, especially those in larger facilities, will require a master’s degree.  A master’s degree will give you the most flexibility when searching for a job, and better opportunity for advancement and increased pay.

  5. Complete an internship. Internships are offered at most accredited colleges and will give you real world, on-the-job training before applying for your first job.

  6. Pass the State Board of Examiners test. This can be required in some states to manage certain facilities such as nursing homes.  

  7. Apply for a job as a health care administrator.