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How to Attract Finches to Your Garden

If you wish to attract finches to your garden, provide tube bird feeders that are filled with thistle seeds.  Also, place a birdbath in your garden, and plant short bushes to allow finches to rest.  Provide nesting materials for finches as well, to allow them to build nests near your garden.

  • Place tube feeders in your garden to attract finches.  Finches like these types of feeders the best.  Look for feeders without perches and constructed with mesh.  This allows finches to remove seed like they would in the wild.

  • Fill bird feeders with thistle seeds.  Thistle seeds are liked the best by finches.  Keep feeders filled as soon as they become empty.  Finches like a consistent source of food and filled feeders provide this.  Also, consider planting sunflowers in your garden.  Finches like sunflower seeds and will eat them from the flowers.

  • Place a birdbath in your garden to attract finches.  This provides a water source for drinking and bathing.  Purchase a birdbath with running water because finches are attracted to the sound of water.  Keep birdbaths clean and provide fresh water for proper care.

  • Plant low short shrubs or bushes in your garden area.  Finches use these to hide from predators and rest for short periods of time.  Place four or five bushes to provide ample room for finches to land.  Keeps feeders by bushes to provide an area that allows for resting and feeding.

  • Place bags of nesting materials in your garden area.  This helps finches make nests near your garden.  Provide cloth strips, hair, twigs, hay, and grass.  Put materials near bird feeders for easy access for finches.